View Full Version : Hornady Load Data

04-02-2005, 10:44 AM
Anyone have a Hornady reloading manual, I looking for some data for my 270win. I am loading some 110gr Hollow Points and need to know what the min/max charge would be for IMR4350 and the COL. I was loading 100gr speer HP and using their manual but I couldn't find the 100gr speers so i bought 110 hornady's figuring there would be data in the speer book for 110's but there isn't. Help would be greatly appreciated, and if someone has a pet load for 110 hp's please share.

04-03-2005, 06:46 PM
Hello rbuck; From Horandy Fifth Ed.

.270 Win.
110 gr COL= 3.165
IMR 4350
Min=49.7 =2800 FPS
MAX = 58.4 = 3300 FPS

This was with 24" Win MDL 70 Hornady brass and Win WLR primers.

Hope this is of some help to you!

Sorry I do not shoot a .270, so I don't have a pet load, perhaps someone else does?