View Full Version : 223 load where to start

04-02-2005, 11:57 AM
i believe i have finished the first load for 22-250 so if i am going to do what i say then 223 is next - i would appreciate some info for 223 - i know its been around for a long time and there are probably tons of greats combos for it so if you have found your favorite im askin for your hard to come by load - i am shooting a contender 23in barrel i believe not sure on the twist - i have shot some rounds through it but really gained a lot out of the powder info posted for the 22-250 as far as what powder usually does well and the grain of bullet that usually proves to work best for 223 - that info got me off to a great start for the 22-250 and it worked great - i am not so much interested in how much fur it tears up because i am only interested in hitting paper and accuracy right now - by the way thanks for the info it sure worked out very well for the 22-250 barrel

04-02-2005, 12:01 PM
i will post this also because this gun will be next - i have my brothers 223 but its a remington 700 something tactical gun he ordered special - it only has a 20 in barrel and 1 in 9 twist - if this gun will require something different than the encore 23 in barrel will ya give me a suggestion there as well thanks again scoot

04-02-2005, 12:15 PM
I find H335 does an okay job for me. I have a non free floated Cav-15... so I cant produce any really nice groups. Its got a 5k round count on the barrel, I dont know if thats got any play into it or not...

Try some 748, my sierra manual says in the ticket, and a lot of guys have reccommended the powder to me as well.

AA2230 is also a good powder to try.

04-02-2005, 01:06 PM
You should be alright with any powder between powder in the burn rate chart between Benchmark and IMR 4895. I have my best luck with BLc-2 powder in this case as a rule. For the T/C you will want to shot 50 grn. bullets most likely, and I recomand the Serria Blitz Kings. For the 1 in 9 twist you`ll do better with 60 grn. bullets. I also seem to have my best groups with Rem. 7 1/2 primers. It these are factory chambers you`ll probibly want to set the bullets as far out as you can get them also. With the T/C that`s no problem, but with the Rem. you may get you best accuracy with ammo that is to long to fit in the magizine. Hope this helps alittle.

04-02-2005, 02:03 PM
cat it does --- i have tried with pretty good results win 748 - 24 grains with a 55 nosler bt and i had to use BR4 primers but was wondering if someone had something extra special they had found - it sure is nice to have that boat tail design on the bullet while putting it in the press but if it shoots i will use whatever it takes - i have tried only a couple of powders with the 223 and dont plan on buying anything different from what i have unless someone or several say this load is the ticket

04-02-2005, 02:12 PM
i will add a little more to this i dont have any bl2 to use but i guess im gonna have to get me a little - i have tried varget with poor results and 4320 and h380 didnt give very good results either the 748 was the best of the 4 powders i tried and that was with a 55 gr bullet i also tried rel12 with it and seems that it likes nothing but this 748 with a 55 gr bullet this is kinda why i made this post - so i need a 50 grain with bl2 powder would 55 make a big difference with the bl2 ya think i dont have anything in 50 gr but i do know where to get them lol

Rocky Raab
04-02-2005, 08:14 PM
I also much prefer 50 grain bullets in the 223, but have had good results from 40 to 60 in various guns and with various loads.

I made my first trip of the year to my local range yesterday (it's closed in the winter). I put a few 223s downrange just to check the zero on my prairie dog gun. The load uses the 55 VMax over 23.0 of Accurate 2015 and WSR primers in mixed military cases. Not a load I carefully worked up - just picked it from the book and threw it together as a "sighter" load.

It shoots nice round groups that average .4"

I have two go-to loads that work in a lot of guns. Both use 50-grainers (Vmax or BlitzKing). Your choice of brass and primer. Try either 24.0 of H322 or 27.0 of 748. One or the other will sing.

Lately, I've been VERY impressed with Western Powders TAC. 26.0 under a 50-grainer might even outshoot 748. And it's MUCH cleaner and easier to clean out than H335!

04-02-2005, 08:53 PM
rocky now thats the info im looking for ok i have 55 grain and 7 boxes of them so i am going to give the 55 a try with the 27. and i dont have any 322 or that tac but i am going to make a powder run very soon and i will give it a try as well - i appreciate the info fellas and will post back on results - rocky if ya ever in my neck of the woods let me know i sure would like to fix ya a steak and yea it will come from a cow lol thanks scoot

Rocky Raab
04-03-2005, 09:21 AM
Scoot, I'd eat a steak from anything but a tent, LOL!

Even though I have something like 80 different kinds of powder on hand, I'm slowing coming to the point where I have two favorite rifle powders, Ramshot TAC and Reloder 15. One is a ball-type and the other is extruded, and both are medium-burners. They're temperature insensitive, measure easily, burn very clean and offer two-patch cleanup afterwards. They also offer very high velocity for their apparent pressure levels, and shoot itty-bitty groups in just about every application I've tried. Good powders!

In almost any round from the 223 to 30-06, they're about all you need.

04-03-2005, 11:01 AM
lol man all i got to say is rare medium or well now that info right there is worth gold i currently have in stock rel 19 , win 760 and 748, hodgdon 380, varget, and imr4320 and only because i have some loads that i am happy with using those i will keep but my next trip to bingam's will be to purchase those two powders - i dont have a book with those two in it but as far as below 223 like 220 swift and 204 do you have any info on those two powders for the swift and 204 - yea i know thats asking a little much but i sure would like to know and also as far as a new book with this info in it (and i have 5th edition of both hornady and nosler books but i dont see those in it ) i dont see that tac anywhere is it new and sure enough i really appreciate the info