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04-02-2005, 11:56 PM
I just acquired an 375 H&H Ruger #1. I think I'm in love...

Been a 270 Win shooter for many years. Thus am shy on knowledge of this cartridge.

Chorno'd some loads that came with it (did a trade thing).

300 gr solid went 2680 fps with 81 grains of something that looks like W760.

I pulled each of the different loads to weight powder and bullet.

270 gr Round Nose when 2690 with 73 gr of a 4350 looking powder.

It is all lot more fun to shoot than my 338 Win. Like I said, I think I'm in love.

Will probably not get to Africa but still need some load data that is what is used not what is "dreamed" of.

Will be hunting Elk, on the edge of grizzly country.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Andrew McLaren
04-03-2005, 05:01 AM
I know the feeling: "I think I'm in love!" This is most probably BS? I think that you KNOW that you're in love with a sweet shooting .375 H&H!

Sorry I can't really help with the load data, but I can help with another aspect:

You should really also change the attitude of not getting to hunt Africa! Ask me how and I'll show you exactly how affardable an African safari can be. You'll love taking some African trophies with what is really "THE" African caliber! Long live the .375 H&H!

In good hunting.

Andrew McLaren.

04-03-2005, 12:30 PM
A good option for elk with a little extra stopping power is the 235 grain Banes X. If you reload your own the velocity range from 2700 to 2900 fps. With a 200 yard zero you have +1.7 inches at 100 yard -7.6inches and at 300 yard and only -24 inches at 400 yard.

The nice thing about the Barnes is that it acts like a solid after it opens up for deep penetration. If you are looking at getting through a skull of a grizzly it will do the job. When I was in Africa my PH said that he feels that the Barnes X will pentrate the skull of an elephant. A true solid would be the best but the X will do in a pinch. The down side of the Barnes is that you will have to be very careful that you don't have a second elk behind the first.

If you are looking fora source of commercial ammunition available you can check out the different bullet weights for .375 H&H at http://www.cpcartridge.com/375H&HMAG-B.htm

04-04-2005, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the info and link.

I really enjoy shooting the rifle. Itsa bit of a thumper but with a little concentration we get along ok.

Hunting buddy shots a Mod 70 375 and has taken several elk with it and a heck of a moose. He thinks the 270 gr weight is pretty good.

I got along with the 300 gr loads so well that I'm going to start with that weight and see how well the the thing shooting.