View Full Version : Discussion: "Cowboy up" for re-enactors?

Mad Reloader
04-03-2005, 01:00 PM
Howdy, pards!

Been REEEEAL busy between work & what remaining social life I have...and the back end of the Arizona re-enacting season. (here things wind down in April, whereas in the rest of the US things are just getting started...)

Yes, The Mad One has gotten himself in with a group, we're doing World War One

(which was that there fracas jest after Span-Am and Jack Pershing chasing that scallywag Pancho Villa back to Mexico!)

Well, SASS being the ONE venue for re-enactory types (besides Buckskinner/Longhunter) where you don't have to worry about choosing up sides and having a set-piece Battle Of Agincourt, Bunker Hill, 1st Manassas, Little Bighorn, Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima or what have you...that's one less difficulty to worry about.

Now, for most all OTHER venues (where they just shoot blanks) I have noticed a strange tendency for ONE side to get the bulk of the people (Is it my imagination, or are there more Confederates than Billy Yanks?)...and the other to go wanting, or possibly be unstaffed.

(How many guys outside of some SASS/CAS pistoleros are doing Villistas? Or Sitting Bull's intertribal "Coalition Forces" from 1876?)

Kinda the dealy with WW1 hereabouts as well.

Now, I used to do WW2, also Medaeval/Rennaisance & I have a pretty good idea of how NOT to run a group (YES I am the unit commander. Now you kind of know why I've been gone so long!)

IMHO, don't think my scores are good enough yet for full blown CAS competition (plus I still gotta get some sort of lever gun! And decide which calibre!)...but even between working and attempting to run the 100th Infantry Regiment and chasing skirts and getting out to blast the occasional Varmint, I'm still going to mess around with Old Westy armaments! Period!

This thought just came to me while trying to get some stuff done for Regimental Business...

Shortly, my unit's going to greatly outnumber the Other Side for WW1 stuff.

We're a LOT better organized fer one thing.

Some of us re-enactors like shooting LIVE rounds...

Why not:

"COWBOY UP" World War One?

--> Sort of applying the N-S-S-A concept to cartridge weapons, or perhaps--Classic Cowboy done with issue WW1 gear! :eek:

I'm thinking-- have a "Sergeant York" string where you pick off a line of enemy starting from the back, timed Skirmish Line target, revolver or Luger string where you have to take out several enemy at close quarters, one-shot one-kill Sentry Elimination "long range" iron sighter...and a timed "shoot the Maxim Gun crew before they clear that jam!"

Best score (most accurate/quickest time) wins the match.

...So, what do you all think?

(To me, this sure as heck beats half a dozen of us standing around waiting for The Enemy to show up)