View Full Version : Rifle rest or sand bags more accurate?

04-05-2005, 05:51 PM
Which do you guys prefer to use? I borrowed sandbags from a friend to zero in my 300 wm, have since bought a steady point rifle rest and it doesn't seem to group as well with the rest. Even zeroed in my new 22-250 and it groups good but not as well as I think it should with the rifle rest, probably will get another set of bags. What's your experiences?

04-05-2005, 06:01 PM
I've used some different kinds of rests, and I've used sandbags.
With some rests that aren't well padded, the rifle kind of 'jumps' off the rest, and I believe will not give as good accuracy as sandbags. The sandbags are 'dead' - the rifle doesn't bounce as much.
So, I guess I'd say sandbags.
The exception would be a real benchrest type front rest with sandbag- that's the best of both worlds, IME.

Rocky Raab
04-05-2005, 06:10 PM
Jack about said it all.

You do have to have a "dead" front rest, whether you do it with all sandbags or a small bag atop the rest.

You also may have supported the butt differently. That can make a difference, too.

Or held your mouth different, or...