View Full Version : Plates for planting sunflowers

04-07-2005, 10:07 PM
I am getting ready to plant my sunflower field for this fall's dove season. Everything is ready except that I need the proper plates for my John Deere 2 row planter. I've been told that the proper plates are essential for a good crop (just like with anything planted). I just don't know what the proper plates are for Peredovik Flowers or where to buy them. Anyone have any suggestions/advice>

04-07-2005, 11:38 PM
What model JD planter do you have? I may have a set if they are compatible. I borrowed a set from the farm supply where i bought my first sunflowers until I got a set of my own. Have to find them if I still have 'em...Otherwise I can probably find a set from my local John Deere parts man. He's a good friend. Need the model of planter email it to me at skeet@huntchat.com

04-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by PineGroveCat
I am getting ready to plant my sunflower field for this fall's dove season. Everything is ready except that I need the proper plates for my John Deere 2 row planter. I've been told that the proper plates are essential for a good crop (just like with anything planted). I just don't know what the proper plates are for Peredovik Flowers or where to buy them. Anyone have any suggestions/advice>

My I suggest you go to http://www.tractorbynet.com/forums/index.php?Cat=0 and ask over there. It is a very informative site. Probably want to post the question in the attachments section

04-09-2005, 05:13 PM
I had a 494 planter I used for years, but only for corn, soybeans, and grain sorgham. I had both plastic and steel plates, and I am pretty sure I gave them all to a friend of mine when I quit farming. I think a corn plate would be pretty close, maybe a little wide. If you had a set of steel plates, you could always braze them a little closer if you were splitting the seeds. If they were planting to thick, braze every other one shut. I would try and find a plate for large flat type corn kernels, and I think you would be ok. If plastic plates are all you can find, JB Weld would work as a filler I would think and the plastic would be pretty easy to work with.
They have used plateless planters for years now though, but you might be able to find sunflower plates somewhere.
Truthfully though, if I had small acreage I wanted just for dove hunting, I would probably just broadcast them and not plant them in rows. Just an idea.

04-20-2005, 07:21 AM
Thanks all who responded. I found what I needed from a feed store. They hooked me up with Lincoln Ag Supply who hooked me up with the proper plates. Good luck!