View Full Version : Sorta new to fishing

04-08-2005, 06:33 PM
In upstate N.Y. most of the fishing I did was fly fishing, and salmon fishing. The typical style was boring... Nothing realy bites where I was from.

Now I live in Central F.L. and I noticed fishing is huge here. Even bigger than hunting. The reason is that there are so many fishing oprotunities here, plus more fish!

I have afew questions that any 12yr old should know.

Im using a Shimano FX200 spining reel (with new 10lbs line), with a 2 pice Shimano rod.
Is this awfull rig, or will it do untill I get something better?

Actualy.... thats the only question I have for right now.
More will come when I go out.

Andy L
04-08-2005, 07:45 PM
Depends on what your gonna fish for. Its a bit heavy if your fishing for bream or crappie. (I assume your freshwater fishing.) Its ok for most types of bass fishing. Maybe not so good for flippin a big worm in heavy cover or live shiners, but most of your bass fishing can be done with that rig.

What are you wanting to do? That may help a bit with what you need to fish with.

Good luck

04-08-2005, 10:19 PM
Yeah, After I did some resherch I found out that bass, crappy isnt hiting after March. Bluegill however is good even during early summer.

I duno about Catfish? I have a budd who was caching'em a week ago.

At least new line is cheap enough.

04-09-2005, 10:31 AM
...."I found out that bass, crappy isnt hiting after March."
Say whut ?!?
At least when I lived in Florida, you could catch bass 365 days a year. How you fished for 'em might change over the course of a year, but you could always catch some.

04-09-2005, 01:18 PM
Thats great!

After re-reading the Alachua Co. fishing reports. I saw that Jan-Mar are peak times for trophy bass (10lbs+).

I gota just go out and see for myself. Anyhow, I dont trust internet reports. I belive that liars figure, and figures lie.

Ive been very buisy since I got here. Im more on a search for a place to shoot. At the moment.
Its eather pistol ranges that charge by the houer, One rifle range has only a 100y, but wants nearly $200 for the first year. Im going to chech out a game farm 15mi away, later.
Any other range is a heck of a drive away.

rem 700
06-03-2005, 12:08 PM
Sounds like it'd work. Might get some heavier line for your weed fishin though