View Full Version : Taurus 24/7 pistols???

04-08-2005, 11:52 PM
My buddy just bought one of these at the gun show. He paid $349.00 for one of these with a stainless top rail. It has 17+1 for 9 mm capacity..Thats pretty nice. I held it in my hand today and it seemed pretty well built :confused:

My question is: Have any of you shot one of these or have anything good/bad to say about them. I sold my SIG 226 357 a while back and do NOT have an auto-pistol for inside my home for protection any more..Any input would be great..Thanks

04-09-2005, 01:01 AM
Just my opinion...

It's a sharp lookin' piece but I just can't get excited about ANY Taurus firearm. I'd buy a Glock 17 with the same capacity.

04-13-2005, 07:31 AM
For that price it would be a very good buy. I have Taurus PT -145, and the 24/7 has the same guts. Taurus gets a bad rap and in some cases for good reason. I have three Taurus's and good luck with all. A .22 Tracker with a 6.5" barrel.......that has a great trigger and tremendous accuracy. It likes to make S&W K22 owners feel guilty about all the extra money they spent to come in second place at the range! Also have a model 44 in .44mag that is nice as well, though it has not seen a lot of abuse yet.

My PT 145 has served me well, only stovepiping twice and both times it was with the same aftermarket Pro Mag magazine....they are cheap mags. The DOA trigger is tough to get used to, and there is not much you can do with it to make it better. It is manageable, but it takes time to master. The 24/7 trigger is the same. The one negative about this gun, field stripping it and re assembling it is a royal pain in the ass! Not bad once you learn the tricks, but still difficult compared to others.
I think the 24/7 with a light attachment and high capacity mag would make a great home defense gun. Honestly though, if you need that many rounds, you're most likely in more trouble than you can handle!

Another gun to consider with the light rail and high capacity is the Springfield XD line of guns...an import that is every bit as good as glock for a couple of bills less. I've seen them for $429 and right now, I believe they are giving away two free high capacity mags and a concealed paddle holster with purchase....pretty good deal.

04-13-2005, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the info. The 24/7 is real easy to break down and clean. I took it apart an examined it pretty good. Your right about the XD. One of the firemen I work with was trying to sell me one of the XD-9's a month ago. He wanted $400 for the gun with 2 -10 shot clips , an "Uncle Mikes" holster and about 4 boxes of ammo.. I think it had less than 100 rounds through it. I passed on it when I found out that they run about $385. NIB. at the gun show.. I will probably get one of the XD-40's. I have a kel-tec 9mm I keep in my truck and sometimes I carry it in my fanny pack. I will let ya'll know what I go with. Thanks again for the input..Adios'

7mm MAGman
04-18-2005, 12:01 PM
i own a taurus pt945 b , 45acp,for the price i paid can't complain, same goes for the 24/7 not bad for the price , but i am going to upgrade to either a springfield 1911 or a kimber, taurus is good for carry but personally i don't think the semis will hold up to much abuse , i also own a raging bull in 454casull, great gun fits my large hands prefectlly, darn good shooter too , just ask that 400 pound black bear last hunting season, if i hade my choice i'd carry the ragin bull but our crybaby society we live in would probably have some kind of smartass remark to inject
bob meluskey sr

05-25-2005, 07:11 PM
I just ordered a pt145 pro today. should get here by sat or tuesday (holiday) I already have the pt111 and the pt140 pro version. Love them both. But my main carry gun is the XD40SC. and the next one is my Kahr MK9. But if I like the Pt145 as well as my pt140 pro it might replace the XD40SC as my main carry as it is smaller and has a bigger bullet.
