View Full Version : Helping folks get into the sport

Gil Martin
04-10-2005, 05:56 PM
A few weeks ago, a fellow wrote to me asking about flintlocks. Seems he is retired policeman and had an interest and needed some directions and traction to get started. We chatted and he scanned the local shops without finding a decent used flintlock. He is a left-handed shooter and thought he needed a left-hand flintlock. I assured him he could shoot a right-hand flintlock off the left shoulder. Then he said he had a chance to shoot a flintlock and really had the urge to get one.

Today, I came across a T/C .50 Hawkin flintlock and told him about it. In less than a week, he will be the proud owner of that rifle. I checked it out, cleaned it up, installed a Lyman frizzen and a knapped flint. I may deliver it to him. The guy lives north of you Adam. All the best...

Mr. 16 gauge
04-12-2005, 07:28 AM
Good for you, Gil......the problem that I find is that everyone I know has NO interest in "old-timey" rifles, and instead have to have the latest whiz-bang inline......too bad they don't know what they are missing.:(

Adam Helmer
04-12-2005, 02:10 PM

Good post. I help folks get into the sport by being a volunteer for the Annual Tioga County Youth Field Day sponsored by the County Extension Agency. They limit the participants,ages 10 to 18, to 150 kids. Three years ago we had 5 flintlocks, two years ago 5 caplocks and last year we had T/C Black Diamond Inlines. I still take a T/C Hawken flinter and a T/C Hawken caplock to the event to show the kids the "other" muzzleloaders.

So that retired cop lives north of me, that must be in New York state. Stop by on the return trip delivering the musket and check out my farm.


Adam Helmer
04-12-2005, 02:18 PM
Mr. 16 gauge,

Well, it goes both ways about who likes what. Last September at my local club I ran the Black Powder arms event for 45 women participants in Becoming an Outdoor Woman (BOW). They shot sporting clays, .22 rifles and pistols and BP. Many of the women never fired a gun before even though they had husbands who hunt. I had .50 calibers in a T/C flinter and caplock and a Black Diamond inline.

Not one woman asked to shoot the inline. One commented, "That is too much like the .22 rifles we just shot." All were fascinated with the flintlock and some asked, "Does that thing really shoot?" The caplock Hawken was a close second in popularity. Several women went to the local shop and bought traditional muzzleloaders after the BOW experience and 6 joined the gun club.


04-16-2005, 04:39 PM
Hello to all;
My first post to HuntChat --- just registered. I am the guy that is the proud recipient of the flintlock that Gil located at one of his favorite gun shops. It is in mint condition. Hard to find any used traditional sidelocks around here, much less flinters, so I really appreciated Gil's going out of his way to locate one for me. You meet some awfully nice people in this sport. If anyone out there is in need of help locating a certain firearm --- don't be afraid to ask around on the board --- you never know who will come across what you are looking for. New to this site but finding it very interesting, and helpful. Thanks again Gil. Oriska

Adam Helmer
04-16-2005, 05:14 PM

Yes, I see this is #1 post for you and you came to the right site on the Forum; Welcome and keep posting. As information, Gil is my twin brother, so you got almost as many smarts as I possess, You decide if is was less or more; Lots of Laughs: (LOL).

Again, welcome here and post a lot. We all are just "campfire folks" sitting around a fire at sundown and chatting and all have good input.


Gil Martin
04-16-2005, 08:38 PM
Oriska is a real gentleman and a fine person. I was very glad to be of assistance. As I told Oriska, someone was going to buy that mint T/C flintlock and it might as well be him. All I did was check it out and advise him of my assessment. It is a mint gun.

Like me, Oriska shoots off the left shoulder and I assured him he could safely and easily handle a right-handed muzzleloader. I hope he posts from time to time and keeps us informed of his range experience. All the best...

Note: Oriska is the Indian name for an Oneida village near where the Battle of Oriskany was fought in 1777.

05-01-2005, 02:10 PM
Just an update on the flintlock that Gil so kindly found for me. Got to the range to sight it in and it needed very little adjustment --- now we will see how much adjustment I need???? Another day I got to shoot it at a club where traditional BP guys shoot each week. They loved the gun and said what a greeat deal it was. I couldn't be happier with it. First flinter for me and can't believe how much fun it is. Now I know why you flint guys love it so much. Thanks again Gil.

Gil Martin
05-01-2005, 07:51 PM
Blackpowder can be addictive and I am glad you got to the range and enjoy your rifle. When you get a chance tell us about your loads and experiences at the range. All the best...