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04-11-2005, 03:08 PM
Six wounded in family feud in Florida

Teens from opposing families date, sparking gunbattle

CRESCENT CITY, Fla. - Members of neighboring families shot at each other, wounding six people, as part of a long-running feud that victims said peaked when a girl from one family began dating a boy from the other one.

Six people ages 14 to 22 were taken to hospitals Sunday for treatment of gunshot wounds. Two remained hospitalized Monday, one in serious condition.

Baldemar Riojas, 46, was charged with six counts of aggravated battery with a firearm. He was freed on $15,000 bail.

'You know how kids are'
Members of the Soliz and Ortiz families say their feud with the neighboring Riojas family has simmered for more than a year and became more heated when Riojas’ teenage daughter started dating Miguel Soliz, 15, who was among the wounded.

“All this started because they were dating,” said Melva Ortiz, Miguel’s mother. “I tried to tell him to leave the girl, but you know how kids are.”

Maj. Rick Ryan of the Putnam County sheriff’s office said members of both families had guns and fired across a street at each other.

However, he said investigators had been stymied by the families’ reluctance to talk to authorities. “We get out there and nobody knows anything,” Ryan said.

Angelica Soliz, a cousin of the victims, said she hid under a bed during the gunfire early Sunday.

“We just threw ourselves to the floor, and the people who got shot, they didn’t have a chance,” said another family member, Maria Ortiz, 22.

Gunbattle follows brawl
The violence had been building for hours. A fight broke out Saturday night among dozens of opposing family members, but the sheriff’s office said there was not enough information for an arrest.

Riojas’ 20-year-old son, Baldomero Riojas, was questioned and released, but Putnam County sheriff’s deputies plan to pursue a charge of reckless display of a firearm against him for allegedly firing into the air. A third man was being sought.

Riojas’ wife said her husband was not responsible.

“My husband’s not a violent person. He’s been in the United States for 24 years and he’s never been in trouble,” Lisa Riojas told WJXT-TV of Jacksonville.

Ana Diaz, 14, who was wounded in the back, was in serious but stable condition Monday at Hallifax Medical Center in Daytona Beach. The only other person hospitalized, Miguel Ortiz, 22, was in good condition at Shands Hospital in Gainesville.


04-13-2005, 06:27 PM
Shoot that aint nuthin...

We been shootin at them there West Virginians crost the high mountain fer pert near 100 years. Uncle Cornelius got the notion to blast a Confederate cannon at em..his pappy had that thing hid since 1863. They..bein Confederate that they were, still took it upon themselves to steal their own army's cannon and put that fool thing in a cave in the mountain. Nobody knew it was there till them coal minin fellers blew their heads off with it one day. How in the blue blazes was they supossed to know it was loaded???

Well..they was back to square 1 anyways cause none of em lived to tell bout it. Well, cept fer that 1 feller. He said he was a man of the law..but I aint fer sure bout that ...his dern head was all triangle shaped and most folks just took him fer a idgit.
Where was I..oh yeah..talkin bout them West Virginians and the cannon........think I'll save thatun fer another day. ;)

04-13-2005, 08:16 PM

04-14-2005, 03:47 PM
Ok it's another day! We can't wait to hear about the West Virginians and the cannon;)

04-15-2005, 03:53 PM
LOL...let's see here..

As the story goes, that triangle-headed "lawman" went all over creation talkin bout that cannon them Virginians got. So, when the West Virginians heard about the mighty cannon, they sent word for the Virginians to meet them on the mtn just west of Jack mtn. Well, them ole West Virginians stood on the tallest peak they could find to shoot at them ole Virginians. Them Virginians..they grunted that there cannon to a lil place high on a tall mountain..but was flat at the top. They had plenty of space for that cannon not to go backward from the shootin and fall off, so they put that thing as fer as they could to the edge of the mountain facin the great state of WVA.

When they got the cannon in place..them West Virginians started hollerin "Look at all them Indians a comin! I aint fightin no Virginian w/ all them Indians a comin behind em!"
The Virginians believed em..and they turned that cannon around as fast as they could, lightin the fuse fore they even got it all the way around so that it would go off fore them Indians could see it pointed at em. They got it turned around and........ Boom!
The cannon went flyin offa the edge backwards and went all the way down to the bottom in a big ole creek. The West Virginians hollered "Next time ya'll need to pay more attention to yer back!"

Of course, there wont no Indians..but they pulled a big ole shuck and jive on the Virginians..and set the Virginia/West Virginia border just the other side of that creek.
That flat top hill is now known as High Town and that creek was from then on named "Back Creek." That creek, nowadays, flows into Lake Moomaw in the western part of good ole Virginnie.

The End

P.S. This here is a good ole mountain folks tale..told to me over and over by my Pa.

04-15-2005, 05:02 PM
Whew:D :D