View Full Version : Rocky, You mentioned .30-30 test's.

04-13-2005, 07:15 AM
Hey Rocky,
Are you testing all types of cast in the .30-30? I need to order more .310 bullets and am not sure if i want to try Plain base, and bevel base. So far I've tried only GC bullets.

I have managed one 5 shot group right at an inch (1.01") with 178gr FNGC over 19gr of BW-36 and WLRP.

BW-36 is a discontinued surplus that uses H322 data.

My tests are all in the NEF sb2 .30-30 single shot rifle.

Rocky Raab
04-13-2005, 09:15 AM
Well, I've shot four types so far, but only because those were what I could find.

One small batch of a 165 bevel-base (plain) was from a local supplier who was just getting into the business. I never heard from him again, and he didn't answer emails or phone calls.

Another Utah supplier makes the same bullet (the typical 170 flat nose, plain base designed for the 30-30) but they don't have any with gas checks

I've tried Laser-Cast plain base 170s, but haven't gotten any of their new GC style...yet.

All the plain-base designs gave at least acceptable groups at velocities below 1300 fps. Funny how some powders snug 'em all together and other almost identical powders don't!

The current batch is a 150 FN GC from LeadHead Bullets in Kansas. They seem to really want to shoot at any speed at all, right up to full charge. They do cost a bunch, though. With shipping, I paid $36 for 250 of 'em. As much as jacketed.

04-13-2005, 01:42 PM
"$36 for 250 of 'em"

That is a pretty penny, but an accurate and good performing cast bullet, without the stress on the bore is well worth it. MO

I shoot so dang much I really need to be in the lead if you know what I mean.

What firearm/ s are you using in your test?

Rocky Raab
04-13-2005, 05:39 PM
It's a Savage 340 bolt gun. I looked for a couple of years to find something other than a lever - which don't turn my crank.

I did find a few Rem 788s in 30-30 but they pull eye-popping collector prices these days. Finally found this Savage at my hometown gun show and got it for $150. I added a peep sight to it and am so far pretty happy. The trigger is atrocious, though. Maybe that's good because the safety is both iffy and easy to nudge.

04-13-2005, 06:11 PM
I don`t think you`ll be able to push the 170 grn. Lead Head bullets fast enought to get them to lead in a .30-30. I pushed some of their 260 gn. GC .411 bullets to abt. 2,500 fps. in my .411 Hawk. I just load 5 of them up pretty hot for cast and fired them as fast as I could. No lead at all. I got these bullets to shoot in my .410 for deer but plan on doing some work with them in my .411 also. I should find out how fast you can push them befor they start leading because I should be able to push them to alittle over 3,000 fps., and I`ll bet they lead befor that. ;)

04-15-2005, 03:46 PM
I cast my own bullets so probably my comments will be irrelevant. However, if you thik Remington 799s in 30-30 are pricey, try getting a Winchester at a reasonable price.:rolleyes: I gave $600 for the one I have and the outside finish makes it look like it's been through every war this country has been in since it's inception. :eek: It's not quite that bad, but it the stock needs refinishing, the checkering redone and a proper blue job of the period to affect a proper restoration.
Isaw one at a gun show that was totally mint and the asking price was $1,400.
The bore and mechanics on mine are in perfect working order, and even with my bad eyes, I sometimes get groups that run near to one inch and sometime less.
FWIW, the load I like best is the RCBS #30-180-FN over 28.0 gr. of W-748.
Paul B.

Rocky Raab
04-15-2005, 05:33 PM
I hear that, bud. A guy walked past my booth at the Big Reno Show last weekend and I overheard his words about the Winchester 54 he was carrying.

"It's a .30-30. I'm asking $3500 for it."

It looked really good, but...Holy moley!

BTW, that 28.0 of 748 really is a winner load. Mine loves it, too! It might be one of those magic loads that work in almost all guns. I have it written in ink.

04-16-2005, 04:14 PM
I think that was a bit high for a "54". Still, look at all the really old dogged out first generation single action Colt's and the rdiculous prices they're asking, and getting for them. I lucked out onto a 1908 Colt SAA for $1,700 with factory letter that is, IMHO, a dog, and I've been offered three grand for it. Bore is terrible, lots of corrosion from black powder, absolutely no finish whatsoever, yet here's a guy willing to drop three big ones to get it.:rolleyes: Maybe I should have sold it to him. I have several third generation SAAs that I've lucked onto at fairly reasonaoble prices, on being a .44 SPL., NIB, unfired with the cylinder unturned. Guy must have needed money as he let it go for $600. :D It's still NIB etc. I sure do get tempted at times to shoot it though.
One thing I have noticed though. I don't know what Colt did to screw up the SAA, but the third generation SAA's do not have the same feel and pointability of the first and second generation guns.
I wouldn't mind finding another second generation gun in .45 if the price was right. They've been going for two grand at the local shows. :( :mad:
Guess to keep this thing on topic, another good load in the 30-30 is the Lyman #311291 over 30.0 gr. of IMR-3031. I used that one for more years than I care to think about and contrary to popular belief, I never had a problem with the round nose on the primers. The funny thing though, Lyman's #31141 AKA 311041 never shot worth a darn in any 30-30 I have and not even in any of my .308s and 30-06s. I have two of those molds in double cavity and an NEI copy. Not a single one shoot with any accuracy in the 8 or 9 30-30s I have laying around the house.
Paul B.

05-17-2005, 12:55 AM
Rocky, Is there a shooting bunch in Utah that shoots "cast bullet-center fire matches? Years ago in SoCal we had a bunch that shot some of the old guns--The straight-pull Swiss were real popular but the 7.7 Jap with it's chrome bore worked great too. They were all with whatever iron sight we could put on them and gas check bullets. I still have my Jap and would like to get with it again...


Rocky Raab
05-17-2005, 09:19 AM
I don't know of one, BlueDot. But then, I don't compete in anything, nor belong to any gun club except my local range.

It's tough to compete when you work weekends.

Surely there's a way to Google that question.

05-17-2005, 10:41 AM
Thanks Rocky, I thought that your discussions about cast bullets might have come from that bent.