View Full Version : Hi Lads (New guy here from Ireland)
04-14-2005, 12:40 PM
A new guy from Ireland saying Hi. Like hunting to an shooting.Will be moving to the U.S.A in May 2005 of this year.Lkie to meet with other shooters an gun clubs.Will be living in Kent.Thank you for looking.Barrel
Skinny Shooter
04-14-2005, 02:52 PM
Howdy Barrel and welcome to the un-Official HuntChat Clubhouse here in All Around Varminting. :D
What varmints can you hunt in Ireland?
04-14-2005, 03:08 PM
Hi barrel welcome to hunt chat, chapster1 from uk not too far from ya, and goodluck with moving to us ....... any room in your suit case
04-14-2005, 05:21 PM
Hello Barrel,
Welcome to HuntChat, glad you made the trip here. Hope your move to the U.S. is a smooth one.
Bulletpusher, BBRSSC #1
04-14-2005, 07:07 PM
Welcome aboard Barrel !
Kent where??? What state?? I`m an old guy, but never go any where without a gun. Seem like if I do I`ll see something I want to shoot every time! If your moveing to Kent Ohio you`ll only be 60 to 75 mi. form me.
Welcome to Huntchat, Barrel !
04-15-2005, 12:21 PM
Hello Lads,Thank you for the welcome.I will be moving to Kent in the New York State.The vermin that you are aloud to shot is,Carrion Crow,Jackdaw,Jay, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Collard dove,Rabbit, Squirrel, and,Rat.But never shot at a Deer, but will when I get to the US.The firearms that I own over here in Ireland was a,Over an Under Lanber shot gun.2 air rifles in a.22 an .25 calsCareers in 80ft/lbs.2 Heckler an Koch pistols in 1 in a 45 acp Elite an the other in a 9mm Elite that where both used at the gun club an a Browning 9mm.Thank you lads for the welcome.Found this site in a link.Glad to be apart off your chat to keep the sport alive.
04-17-2005, 12:14 AM
Welcome Barrel,
I can see from your list of weapons that you will have to get into the acquisition mode.
Start adding to the collection:
First a 270 Win
Then a 338 Win Mag
Followed by a 375 H&H for those thick skined NY ground hogs.
Then ya gotta get a 22 Horned for something to drive ya nuts when all of the others are working correctly.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Welcome to the U.S.:)
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