View Full Version : Weather is warming up, I'm ready to go!!

Tall Shadow
04-15-2005, 12:59 PM
The weather is finaly getting better!

I'm ready to start learning about hunting groundhogs!

Anyone been out yet?
Are they moving? Or has it been too dry yet?!?

Tall Shadow

Mr. 16 gauge
04-19-2005, 10:42 AM
I've seen chucks out and about; unfortunately, it's been here in the city on vacant lots. However, I would imagine that if they are running around in the city, they are probably doing the same thing in the country.
Don't know when (or if) I will get out any time soon. Will keep you posted.

Tall Shadow
04-19-2005, 02:10 PM
Yes I've seen the little city dwelling buggers too!
I usually pull over, stop and invite them to come out to the county and play! ;)

The wife thinks I'm crazy!....... :eek:

I told her that I was just trying to be friendly to the little guys! ;)

PLEASE keep me posted if you are planning to go out.

I'm already tired of driving the kids to soccer & track meets on my weekends!....... I need to go out and play..

Tall Shadow