View Full Version : Hornet ?

Merlin Stroud
04-15-2005, 09:22 PM
I Just got a # of Lil-Gun,when I tried 13gr. in my WW Hornet casing it filled it to the top. Is this normal or not?

04-16-2005, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Merlin Stroud
I Just got a # of Lil-Gun,when I tried 13gr. in my WW Hornet casing it filled it to the top. Is this normal or not?

I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. What do you mean by "a # if Lil-gun? Are you asking if the case should be that full, or did it overflow? New brass or once fired? What weight bullet are we looking at here?
In order to give a reasonably accurate answer, we need details.
Paul B.

04-16-2005, 05:40 PM
I`ve never loaded Lil-gun, but it very well could be. I have seen loads for the Hornet case that would not come close to fitting in the cases. I used to load H-4227 in the Hornet and I remember it was a very compressed load.

Rocky Raab
04-16-2005, 07:36 PM
That "full to the brim" load is perfectly normal in the Hornet when using LilGun. I'd bet if you just scooped 'em full and scraped 'em off, they'd all weigh within a tenth or so of 13.0. I'm not recommending that, but I bet you'd be close every single time.

Just seat the bullet and forget it. LilGun will make you smile.

Oh, PJ - he meant a "pound of LilGun".

Merlin Stroud
04-16-2005, 10:02 PM
Thanks Rocky, you answered my ? perfectly. Some how I can always count on you and Catfish for my best info.
Thanks again

04-17-2005, 09:32 AM
Buddy has been trying to get a Ruger Hornet shooting for what seems like a lifetime. I even tried.....

Lil' gun pwdr works the best. A llittle crimp works the best. However, the best is 3 shots in the .3s or .4s and the other 2 make it 1.5 or so. Problem is ya don't know which 3 shots are the good ones.

Also best velocity is over 3K w/the 35gr bullets.

Cases are sorted and grouped by weight, we a re paying attention to all of the details that we can think of.

He asked for a suggestion yesterday, I said "ebay"...:rolleyes:

Any thots? That Ruger Hornet is almost like being married to the wrong woman:mad:

04-17-2005, 02:52 PM
hmmmmmm i just might consider the hornet. thats my kind of reloading. :D

04-17-2005, 09:29 PM
I had the same trouble with a Ruger hornet. I finally just gave up and traded it in for a CZ hornet. Smartest move I ever made.

04-18-2005, 09:32 AM
13 grains of LilGun pretty much fills up the case. I too get best results with a light crimp (Lee factory dies), the 40 gr V Max and a small (pistol) primer. I think the latter is a factor because it doesn't blow the bullet out of the case by the force of it's ignition before the powder ignites.

04-19-2005, 02:19 PM
Some of the Rugers need a bit of 'smithing. The stainless ones have good barrels, they just need to be set back, re-chambered and have the bolt shimmed to take out the slop. The blue ones seem a bit hit-or-miss on the barrels.

I'm a Ruger fan but I sold my semi-custom K-Hornet because the magazine would not allow plastic tipped bullets to fit/feed (too long). I built a Remmy Model 7 221FB instead and bought a Contender K-Hornet barrel. Folks swear by the CZ Hornets which don't seem to have similar magazine problems and respond well to a K-reamer.

Rocky Raab
04-20-2005, 08:57 AM
That does seem to be the problem with Ruger Gornets, unpredictable. I think they messed up when they scaled their 22 Mag action up to the Hornet.

Mine is a Browning, which I completely recommend, and I hear nothing but good about CZ. The new Savage Hornet is promising, too. If only it weren't a single shot,

04-20-2005, 11:48 PM
Rocky and folks,

There's a Ruger #1 Hornet up in the Swap area.

What are the odds that it will shoot better than the Ruger bolt action rifle?

If it shoots as good as my 375 H&H it would be useful and a little less stressful but not more fun:rolleyes:

Just think of it, 1/10th the weight and a bit more velocity. Now that's progress.

05-24-2005, 07:56 PM
Roy: Did you fellers full or neck size those cases? I ran into the same problem with my Hornets. Until it was recommended to me that I start neck sizing those little things. Seems that when you full length size 'em, it makes the cases small and they sit in the chamber with the bullet canted upwards instead of straight down the bore. Neck sizing eliminates that problem. Just a thought.


05-25-2005, 02:53 PM
That's the beauty of using the Lee Factory crimp die. It seems to take care of concentricity and neck tension in one easy step. Don't have to mess with neck sizing them lil' bitty cases