View Full Version : crow terminator

04-19-2005, 10:01 PM
took 3 crows in two days. yesterday i shot two at bout 200yds. dead on hold with the 2506, red mist and exsplodeing parts. no bullet exit.

todays was shot at 100yds, off a water trough. more redmist and bullet blew dust behind it. on 14 power all i saw were crow parts leaving the scopes feild of view. pretty spectaculer.

well see what tommorro brings. :D


04-19-2005, 11:00 PM

Do you have a season on crows out there. This season thing here is a pain. I used to do a fair amount of hunting but since they put the season on I do very little. We get Feb and March and August and september.

Of cource there is always the "about to do damage thing". What crow isn't about to do damage

04-20-2005, 09:31 AM
We have a season out here too. It runs from August 15 to March 15 and we cannot hunt them on Sunday, Monday or Tuesday during that time frame. It makes absolutely no sense, but that is the way it is.

04-20-2005, 10:50 AM
I think the season is something like July 27th 12:01 in the morning to the next July 27th mid night. The one minute is for the barrel to cool;)

Or maybe its April, May or June or some other month.:rolleyes:

On the serious side I think its open out here...

If not Evan and I are probably in trouble :o

04-20-2005, 07:43 PM
ummmm yeah seasons open. ;)

04-20-2005, 10:19 PM
I also think it is illegal in Maryland to shoot a crow with a rifle. Why that is I have no idea. They probably do not want anybody shooting at them with a rifle while they are flying in the air or perched on a tree.

04-21-2005, 07:22 PM
around here everyday is in season for the corn pulling huzzies - and as far as i know the game warden around here has never written a ticket for out of season crow shooting lol why would he his corn patch is bigger than mine

04-23-2005, 12:00 PM
had chance at another dog yesterday. was almot finished watering and headed in. it was just before sunset. spotted a light color spot up on alittle hill that i hadnt noticed before. figured the low light was messing with my eyes and almost let other things get my attention like the peterbilt lugn way to much in 5th.

just as i look away i see it move in the corner of my eye. stab the clunch and the truck screaches and bounces to a stop. i jump out of the truck and lay the 2506 over the headlights. get good look at dog walkn away from me. guesn 400ish yds.

the pete as still movin rockn side to side so i look for better rest. finding nothing i lay in the grass and prop the ruger up by my elbos. ive dont this time or two but only when i had to.

i try to steady on the dog as its walking away. im not holdying very steady its alittle breeze and i let him walk over the hill and out of site. i figure that dog thought i was safe. it watches me water every day and keeps a safe distance from me. if id of shot hed stay farther away from the water truck. it didnt sit good with me to train another dog after the other night.

ive made that shot before but laying on bipods. right now the bipod is mounted on my 10/22 and you can bet its not gona stay there for long.

have a good saterday everyone.


04-23-2005, 10:22 PM
me and the 2506 stopped to hit a whislte pig town. range was 150-200ish. laying down just right comfortable and ready to get them. it had been raining then cleared up so i decided to poke a few.

pushed 20rds into to the town with 5 misses. might not have missed that many but i was haveing a hard time counting with the body parts all over the place.

barrel was hot, way to hot to touch. had to make sure and keep it off the rubber floor mats in the truck. thought it might melt. another reason i love this gun. ride it hard and put it away wet. scrub the barrel twice a year. even though negleted she shoots tight and shoots where shes pointed.

gota get more ammo for tommorrow. im all out of 25 stuff. or i guess take the 300win need to get some shootin time behind it.

might drop in at walmart and see if theyve got 75vmaxes. they usualy just have 100 nolser bts. but its spring time and im wantn to red mist the rock chucks this season. dont think ive ever hit grnd squrel with 75 vmax and id like to see the effects created.

might just get some more 85 nolser bts. they shoot very well. heck just stick to 100s and load what the gun wants.


04-25-2005, 11:22 PM
two more crows this evening along with a badger and handfull of ground squrels. was a pretty good night to plink around.

ground squrels were takn with my 10/22 and everything else the 2506.

i also noted. no exits on any with the 100gr core lokts, badger or crow. one crow was at about 100 and the other was 248 paces away. badger was at 98. all one shot kills.
