View Full Version : Maverick 12 Gauge???

Big joe
04-19-2005, 11:04 PM
I am in the market for a inexpensive pump 12 gauge to go jackrabbit hunting with my boys... I don't want to scratch up my Beretta auto-man thats a purty gun. Anyway... I saw a "Maverick" shotgun at Walmart for only $159. Do any of you know about this gun. If so...Is it worth having? If not maybe you can give me a good alternative.


04-20-2005, 12:18 AM
I knew a guy who used to shoot one -- I think it's a copy of a Rem 870. Should serve well, I'm not sure where it was made or how available parts are or if they're interchangeable with the 870. He never had problems with it, but that doesn't mean too much until you do have a problem. Maybe ask them if you needed a firing pin, could they get one for you? Course, a smith could also make them. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

04-20-2005, 08:47 AM
I've seen 2 of them in the last year. I believe it's made by Mossberg or one of their subs. Both of the guns I was around worked OK but neither shot where they were supposed to. One shot high and one shot a full pattern off to the left.
My opinion, which ain't worth much, is they make a good paddle if your motor breaks. Just my opinion tho.

04-20-2005, 09:30 AM
How much more would an entry level Remington 870 cost? I would guess maybe $100 if that. It might be worth spending the extra money to have another reliable gun that will last a while because we all know that Beretta auto is extremely reliable. LOL

M.T. Pockets
04-20-2005, 09:53 AM
Check out the used gun racks. Your average person would never wear out an 870 Express, I'll bet you can find a used one for about the price range you're looking at.

04-20-2005, 10:14 AM
It will work fine however if I were looking for a beater I would cruise the used gun rack for a Remington 870 express. A much better shotgun plus if something happens you will always be able to fix it.

Big joe
04-20-2005, 10:41 PM
Good points all... I think I'll spend a little more... I'm more of a rifle man and I guess I always thought shotguns were so simple that it really didnt matter how much you spent. ... guess I was wrong... wont be the first time...

04-20-2005, 11:23 PM
I own both rifles and shotguns and you get what you pay for, for the most part. Cheap rifles and shotguns are just that, cheap.

rem 700
05-20-2005, 05:48 PM
I have a friend that shoots a Mossberg 88 Maverick, and I have used it myself several times. It works just fine, and is good for speed shooting if you are good at that. 24 or 26 inch barrel I think. Never had any problems with it, and it's fun to nail sparrows with in a pasture. A 3 inch magnum chamber; don't think you have to change anything to put those in. It's ugly, very ugly in my opinion as with all mossbergs, but it is reliable. A little remington 870 at a used shop would work much better, though. A good pawn shop could get you an 870 for not much more.

05-20-2005, 08:23 PM
you can check them out on mossbergs web sight it says the parts are the same as the 500 so barrel inter change
i know a few guys that have 500 mossbergs and you just cant beat them for the price.