View Full Version : What CCW holster do you use

04-23-2005, 01:13 PM
I have been looking for a perfect CCW holster for my Block 19. I was told that a nylon holster would be best for me, because of the Florida climate. I was at a gunshop earlier, their I saw a I.B.W. Holster made by KNJ that was only 10 bucks. When I got home I tryed it out, and found that it was confortable, secure, easy to draw, and made my Block disapear on my 155lbs frame!

It was the best 10 bucks I ever spent!

What CCW holster do you use? and with what pice?

Andy L
04-23-2005, 01:34 PM
Mine are all cheap. Havent found the perfect way to carry yet, but all are ok.

I have a Berretta Bobcat 22lr I carry almost all the time. I have a leather wallet style holster that fits perfectly in my back pocket and you cannot tell its anything but a wallet. No idea there are 8 little 22 pills waiting for quick use.

I have a Charter Arms Bulldog Pug in 44spl I carry alot. I have a neopreme IWB holster that works well. I can carry it at 11:00 or 4:00 pretty comfortable. But, I also have a high ride paddle holster that works well. Depending on the season, I either wear long T-shirts or sweatshirts most days and untuck. This conceals well, even though its not deep cover.

I also carry a Glock 17 some. I do it the same as the Pug with a paddle tactical holster. Under the shirt.

Good Luck

04-23-2005, 06:04 PM
I use a Left hand Don Hume paddle holster .I wear it in the middle of my back for drawing with my right hand.I carry an AMT 380 backup in it.

This is'nt perfect but it works till I find something better.Check out Gunners Alley spls and overstock prices.Sometimes they have what you're looking for at a good price.:)

05-16-2005, 03:38 PM
I do not carry concealed YET, but I have a Uncle Mikes nylon IWB that fits my Ruger speed 6 very well and covers the print pretty well. Got it on Ebay for .99 plus $3 for shipping. Well woth the money :D

Adam Helmer
05-17-2005, 09:54 AM

I prefer a leather, thumb-break, strong side pancake holster for my 3-inch M65 Smith. I carried it as an agent and carry it now, after retirement, as a civilian CCW. A good holster will cost $30 to $50 and is money well spent. If I carry a Colt M1911, I merely stuff it into my weak side waistband.

I have used shoulder and ankle holsters undercover and do not like them, but they have their applications. Just practice with them if you are going to use them. At the agency, one had to "show proficiency" to be authorized to use an ankle holster. There was no prescribed method to draw from the ankle holster. I asked, "Does one kneel and draw, or remain standing and hop about on one leg and effect a draw?" I never got an answer. I know of an LEO who shot himself in the weak arm while drawing from a shoulder holster in a high stress situation, an agent shot his left butt cheek drawing from a behind the back holster and another plain-clothes cop shot himself in the left foot drawing from an ankle holster when he walked into a bank robbery in progress. The bad guys fled and the cop is the only one who bled at the bank. When the adrenelin rushes, be damn sure you have "grooved" your drawing technique no matter what mode of carry you employ. Also, KEEP your finger off the trigger UNTIL you acquire the target and are ready to fire! A good holster COVERS the trigger so one cannot pickup the trigger until after the draw has been made.


Mr. 16 gauge
05-18-2005, 01:34 AM
I'm relatively new to concealed carry, but I have done it enough to know that I HATE those holsters with the clips on 'em....give me something with belt loops! I like strong side, IWB carry, and right now I am using a Don Hume leather holster for my S&W M39. For my Colt Det. Special, I found a BIanchi 3S holster and so far I am pleased....it has the thumb break that Adam mentioned, and I am finding that I like that feature, as well as the belt loop. The holster can also be rotated a few degrees forward or back to suit your individual preference. I like this holster so much I will probably get one for my Walther PPk/s as well.
For my 1911 in .38 Super, I'm looking at purchasing a Milt Spark's summer special......kinda pricy, but worth the $ from what I hear....and I have yet to see a bad review of thier holsters.

05-18-2005, 12:39 PM
Yeah, alot of the holsters with a clip arnt very secure. I have 2 that Ill never use. My KNJ does have a clip. But it is so secure that I can't take it off or put it on with my pants/jeans on.

Im thinking of geting a "Nemisis" pocket holster for my PPK clone, mabe even my Block 19.
Im also probobly geting a Sam Andrews O.B.W. holster for my Block.

05-25-2005, 03:21 PM
the holster that I have has a clip on it that is soo freaking tight that like Greg said I have a hard time removing the holster unless I take my pants down. I don't think I would trust the holster if it wasn't that way. That would be a real problem to have to draw your weapon and have the holster come with it :eek:

Mr. 16 gauge
05-25-2005, 07:21 PM
That would be a real problem to have to draw your weapon and have the holster come with it

I have done EXACTLY that!....Which is why I prefer loops!

05-25-2005, 09:44 PM
Thunderwear or SmartCarry are neat holsters because they're completely under the clothes, wrap around your body itself, and can fit a number of different guns into the same holster. I like them, but they're not for everyone.

Bladetech also makes an excellent IWB for just about any gun called the Ultimace Concealment Holster (UCH for short). It's tuckable, and about the only quality holster I could find for my Baby Eagle.

06-01-2005, 09:30 AM
Right side, strong side IWB or pancake holster. Loose camp shirt untucked. I haven't found the perfect holster yet, but I am still looking.

I use a WT Tucker pancake holster, a local holster maker and a Bianchi IWB with a thumb snap and a angle adjustment pivot. Both are in the $50.00 range. I almost forgot, I also use an under the belt jak slide. It is very good and inexpensive, also.

07-27-2005, 06:34 PM

call Sam Andrews. He is up in Alachua. Phone is 386-462-0576.

Sam is a fantastic leather guy, and a darn good American.
Check his stuff on line at

Tell him Sam in Miami said howdy

07-28-2005, 05:34 AM
Harry Beckworths gunshop in Miccanopie sells his stuff. Harry is another real good guy.

Its the IPSC saddle holster thats got me drooling. I still gota get that holster.

01-08-2006, 09:29 PM
I have three different Uncle Mike's black nylon I use and like all of them.

01-09-2006, 12:02 AM
i use a kirkpatrick, model co and their mag pouches. extremely well made and it looks great.

because i'm a shrimp, 5'11" and on a good day weigh 150# i carry crossdraw. also has it's advantages when you are wearing a heavier outer coat. i don't have to dig under a coat and then a sports jacket with one hand. i use both hands at one time and yes i can also walk and chew gum at the same time.

the way the holster sits on my hip it does not print, even when i'm wearing a sport shirt tail out.

being thin i chill easier than the heavier folks, in winter i tend to wear slimmer tighter fitting clothing and in summer get really frumpy.

just my opinions.

01-10-2006, 04:43 PM
I use a Galco and carry in the small of my back. The holster fits both Beretta's a 92 9mm and a 96 40cal. Galco is on the expensive side but well made and durable.

01-11-2006, 03:14 PM
I use a IWB holster from from Jerry Haugen he makes great holsters. I like the design because I can use it all year round it can cocer it up while wearing t-shirts in the summer and coats in the winter. Mine is taylor fit to my Para Oridance Tac Four and his prices are good too. He makes all kinds of holsters too and will make them to order.

01-31-2006, 08:49 PM
I use two belt type holsters and one shoulder holster but it's tough to conceal if not wearing a jacket.
I have been hunting for a IWB holster that is comforatable and I believe I have found it. Just ordered one. It does take a little while to get because he makes them upon order. I think it will be worth the wait.:)


03-28-2006, 11:16 PM
I have heard good things about smart carry and comp tac holsters. Esox357.