View Full Version : lb test on a reel question.

04-25-2005, 10:24 AM
OK I know that as a general rule you don't go above the pound test rating for a reel. Here is the question.

I have a couple years old shakespeare reel that only states it is rated for 8# test line. The only line I could come up with this year (that met my limited requirements for fishing) was 10# Cajun Red Cast. I use to buy just plain old stren, but the last spool I bought the stuff was braking even when I would tie a knot! I couldn't catch a 1/4lb bluegill on it without it breaking (and that statment is from experience.)

Anyway we are talking about the difference between .011 and .012 diameter.

In your opinion am I going to have problems with hangups, knots, etc (Internal here) on this little spincast reel?



addendum: Yes I know that shakespeare makes 8# cajun red cast, I am talking about what I could get in my area without having to pay shipping. Thanks again.

Andy L
04-25-2005, 11:02 AM
It will be fine. Just wont hold as much. Dont fill it to the rim either. Thats what causes most of your over runs and knots.

What kind of knot are you tying? That shouldnt be happening with 8lb line of any kind. Also, the line could have been old or exposed to light too long. Even though you may have not had it that long, it can be on the shelf or in storage for a long time before you got it. Your knot type can make all the differecne in the world. I have found the polymer knot to be the strongest and easiest to tie.

If you havent already bought or can buy some more, try Bass Pros Excel line. Its about as cheap as any but is very castable (limp), abrasion resistant and has great knot strength. For all around line, its as good as there is for the money.

One of my fishin buddies uses 12lb Excel for tournament fishing exclusively. I use Seaguar, which is $70 for a 1000 yard spool and he does just as good for a tenth the cost.....

Good Luck

04-25-2005, 01:23 PM
Thanks Andy thats kind of what I figured. The issue boiled down to the fact that we are limited (wal-mart) around here on what we can get and I was passing by an Academy on the way home. Cajun Red Cast cost me $5.99 + taxation w/o representation for 1450 yards. Before anybody starts moaning keep in mind I am not a tournament fisher anymore. I fish fer fud! I even use snap swivels OH THE HORROR! (and even used them when tourney fishing for both bass and crappie. . . . . .)

As fer knots its that loopit twice though the eye then wrap it around kinda like a hangmans noose, and pull it through then sinch it down kinda knot. . . . . . (Think trilene knot where you actually wrap the loop instead of having it below the wrap just sitting there doing a whole lot o nuthin)

Anybody else used Cajun Red Cast? (Not red lightning re cast)


Andy L
04-25-2005, 01:39 PM
Im not familiar with that line, but its probably as good as any. I would be willing to bet you got some line thats old. Monofiliment will go bad after, sometimes not too long, if its kept in light. I have bought line before and took it home, spooled it up, tied on a lure and gave it a gentle tug to check it and have it break. Just a sad part of the game.

Im sure the Cajun Red is fine. You can buy that Excel online though, just for future reference, and I know its good for cheaper line. Heck even for any line period its good.

The knot your tying is fine. I still think the polymer is better than any and fast to tie. Ill try and explain it.

Fold your line in half about six inches up your line from the end. Run the folded line through the eye of your lure. Tie it in a square knot, dont pull too tight. Run the lure through the exposed loop where the original fold is. Run the line through your mouth to wet it so it dont burn the line. Hold the lure and the main line and pull tight. Good knot and very fast.

Good Luck

05-18-2005, 11:47 PM
We know that knot as the Palomar Knot. It's a 100% knot meaning the line will break somewhere else before the knot fails. I have always used the Trilene or Uni Knot with the same 100% success. My choice for freshwater fishing is P-Line copolymer. It's incredible line.

That Cajun Red is a relatively new line. I was just about to buy some 25# test to use as leader line for Rock Fishing here in the ocean, I'll tie it as a 10 yard leader on my Spectra line. They claim that Red spectrum light is completely invisible underwater. We'll see how it works. Aside from Spectra for Rock fishing, flourocarbon lines are the hot ticket for Big Game fishing like Tuna, Marlin, Albacore, etc.

05-20-2005, 04:28 PM
I can vouch that it does indeed disapear (the color red not the line). . . . I did alot of scuba diving years ago.

Anyway thanks for the advice, sorry this took me so long to get back to. . . .


05-25-2005, 03:39 PM
here is a REALLY bad example of the know I am talking about. . . . . Don't laugh it ain't like I am doing this on a decent CGI machine.


05-25-2005, 04:36 PM
Damn! GOB....that's some fine illustratin' there! That looks to be a "modified" or at least a similar knot to the "Trilene Knot" which is what I have always had success with. To each his own in the experience department but as I understand it, both the rilene and Palomar knots are supposed to be 100% knots I believe however, when I was using the Palomar knot and had break offs it would always seem to fail within the knot. The Trilene knot would occasionally fail just above the knot. When I started fishing P-Line, I couldn't break my line if I wanted to! One time during a tournament I was Doodlin' on 10# P-Line and got hung up in the rocks. My partner was yellin' at me to break it off so we could keep moving. I tried everything to get it to break and it wouldn't so I tied it off on a cleat and he hit the trolling motor on high. You wouldn't believe how far we traveled before that line finally snapped off (just above the knot, mind you), it was amazing. He asked me what I was using so I told him. The next time I saw him he was spooled with nuthin' but P-Line!

Andy L
05-25-2005, 04:50 PM
Pline is tough, no doubt about that.

Problem I had with it was its so wirey and has lots of memory. The kind of fishing I do, mostly flippin and pitchin, thats not good. And, its even worse on spinning reels.

It is good line though. Only thing better is Seagaur, that I have found anyway. I really like it alot.
