View Full Version : smoo

04-25-2005, 04:57 PM
Anbody out there want to sell of any old bagley smoo's out of their tackle boxes please let me know, and we can talk about it. I am not looking for collectors stuff, just good serviceable lures.

Also toss rebel crawfish lures into that, particularly the Texas Red (Which for some reason you apparently cannot get in Texas. . . . )

BTW I am not really looking for the 4-6 inch "blow the bottom out of the lake when it impacts" lures. I know there are a few of them around as well.



04-29-2005, 12:59 AM
Hey GOB,
Just found a bunch on ebaY! Type in "Bagley Smoo"

04-29-2005, 04:47 PM
I saw them too TD, but unfortunantly every time I start biddin' on them they wind up going over $8 a piece plus chipping and damaging! I want a few of 'em, but I don't think it nessicary for me to go broke doin so! :D

Thanks for the reply though buddy.
