04-27-2005, 12:48 AM
tonight the moons must have been lined up.
drivn the water truck along i spot a coyote running away from me at what i thought was around 100yds. i literaly bail out of the water truck. with the 2506 trailing me. as im stepn out of the truck the bipod legs seem to be flipn down on theyre own.
i do a belly flop to the ground and get my bead on the running dog. as im about to sqeeze the trigger it stops and gives me a look. i then have time to settle on the boiler room. i squeeze a well placed site right where it counts. the loud thud and dust from its coat went puff. saw the impact and the dog fall over dead with no kick or wiggle.
as i get up to pace it off to the not so lucky dog i catch something moving coming down the hill. just a glimpe was all i needed to get me back down laying over the gun.
i get settled and look through the 14 power glass to where i last saw movement. nothing there. so i do alittle lookin around just to make sure because usualy when i think i saw something. means i did.
after doing alittle glassing i finaly spot it. another coyote headed my way. maybe 400yds. all thoughts of paceing off the first dog left my mind.
kept glassing the moving dog to make sure it was headed my way. i had slight breeze in the face so things were perfect. keep in mind things like this dont happen everyday. expecialy after takn a shot two minutes before.
finaly this dog gets within range i almost sqeeze of around as its moving. but i didnt and it starts realizeing somethings up and vers perpindicular to me stops a few times when i dont have a good shot and looks my way and keeps moving.
finaly its stop at what looks like 100yds. but because im laying on the bipods all i can see is its head. the 2506 cracked. and the dog dropped.
i swear the rifle called that shot. i must have been sqeezing the entire time i was trying to get a good bead on it. i wasnt ready to shoot but it was and she sure made a good call. hit him right in the kneck.
both eyes bulged out and the bullet didnt exit. you should have seen me shiming around and turning as the coyote was moving. itl definalty be night to remember.
the first coyote was a gimme. ended up pacn at 220yds. shot was broad side standing still. 2nd never shoulda happend. everything must have just been perfect. i was in the right place at the right time and made it count when it matterd most.
these coyotes were running around newborn calves so its good ive got atleast a few gone. and didnt train any tonight.
thats tonights happeings. maybe tomorrow. will be just as exsciteing.
drivn the water truck along i spot a coyote running away from me at what i thought was around 100yds. i literaly bail out of the water truck. with the 2506 trailing me. as im stepn out of the truck the bipod legs seem to be flipn down on theyre own.
i do a belly flop to the ground and get my bead on the running dog. as im about to sqeeze the trigger it stops and gives me a look. i then have time to settle on the boiler room. i squeeze a well placed site right where it counts. the loud thud and dust from its coat went puff. saw the impact and the dog fall over dead with no kick or wiggle.
as i get up to pace it off to the not so lucky dog i catch something moving coming down the hill. just a glimpe was all i needed to get me back down laying over the gun.
i get settled and look through the 14 power glass to where i last saw movement. nothing there. so i do alittle lookin around just to make sure because usualy when i think i saw something. means i did.
after doing alittle glassing i finaly spot it. another coyote headed my way. maybe 400yds. all thoughts of paceing off the first dog left my mind.
kept glassing the moving dog to make sure it was headed my way. i had slight breeze in the face so things were perfect. keep in mind things like this dont happen everyday. expecialy after takn a shot two minutes before.
finaly this dog gets within range i almost sqeeze of around as its moving. but i didnt and it starts realizeing somethings up and vers perpindicular to me stops a few times when i dont have a good shot and looks my way and keeps moving.
finaly its stop at what looks like 100yds. but because im laying on the bipods all i can see is its head. the 2506 cracked. and the dog dropped.
i swear the rifle called that shot. i must have been sqeezing the entire time i was trying to get a good bead on it. i wasnt ready to shoot but it was and she sure made a good call. hit him right in the kneck.
both eyes bulged out and the bullet didnt exit. you should have seen me shiming around and turning as the coyote was moving. itl definalty be night to remember.
the first coyote was a gimme. ended up pacn at 220yds. shot was broad side standing still. 2nd never shoulda happend. everything must have just been perfect. i was in the right place at the right time and made it count when it matterd most.
these coyotes were running around newborn calves so its good ive got atleast a few gone. and didnt train any tonight.
thats tonights happeings. maybe tomorrow. will be just as exsciteing.