View Full Version : 220 swift load

04-28-2005, 05:55 PM
ok its the swifts turn now - with everyones help and suggestions and i have got the 223 and 22-250 loads where i want them now its time for the swift - first off i want to thank the fellas that mentioned their loads on the others and i am doing what i said i would do as far as doing one caliber at a time until i got the "load" -- i have shot the 220 several times with several loads and its a ruger heavy barrel #1 and it sure is a pretty gun but i believe i can do better than what i have been trying but i may have to try a different powder than what i have been using i will have to wait to see what you fellas say - so far my best load is reloader 19 41.5 gr of it and using win primers and a 55 gr nosler bt with moly and a 2.790 col-- if some of you fellas have something else you would recommend i am eager to hear about it thanks scoot

04-29-2005, 12:52 AM
way back when i had 220 for a short while. i was told imr 440 was good stuff in the the swift so i got some along with 55gr vmax's but got rid of the rifle before i ever worked up any loads.

guess im not much help.

startn to wonder what 440 is. im startn to think i meant to say 414.

suprised there hasnt been any info on swift loads posted. lots of people reload it.

05-07-2005, 07:38 AM
evan i have had this rifle for a long time and this may even be one of the reasons i looked into reloading to start with - ever priced a box of cartridges for a 220 swift - shew - anyhow i have a satisfactory load i believe but i sure would like to see what everyone else likes because i am still using the reloader 19 and i know there are a ton more powders out there that will do as well if not better - this new powder or new to me - vit vhouri yea i know the spelling aint right but that powder sure is getting a lot of advertisement - just wondered if anyone is using a cleaner more accurate powder than the rel 19 - its a hobby for me and i am always looking to do better with it same as everyone else

Rocky Raab
05-07-2005, 10:00 AM
My old coyote-hunting partner loved his Ruger Swift. His best powder was Reloder 15, not 19.

Most Swifts will perform with medium-burn powders: anything in the area of 4064 (an old favorite), 4895, Varget, N135 with extruded powders; or W760, H414, AA2520 or BLC2 in sphericals.

But the best my buddy ever tried was RL15. Fast, clean and accurate.

05-07-2005, 11:28 AM

give this a try, this is the powder i was trying to think of

55s in the 3800 neiborhood would be fun, maybe even possibly slower than that.

05-09-2005, 04:21 PM
I don't have 220 Swift experience but have played some with No1. If you can't seem to get it to shoot as you think it should and everything else checks out, don't overlook the forearm hanger. Some of them apply uneven pressure on the barrel that affects it's vibrations and therefore accuracy. There is a forearm modification that allows you to tune the barrel/forearm pressure but that involves gunsmithing. There is even a commercial after market forearm hanger replacement one can buy. Mine drove me nuts before I figured out that it wasn't the load but the hanger. Do a search on Ruger no 1 for info.