View Full Version : Bow fishing

04-30-2005, 02:35 PM
I always wanted to get into bow fishing. I don't own a bow and I was wondering what accesories i needed and a basic cost for a decent set up. Nothing fancy. Thanks

05-08-2005, 10:10 AM
.243hunter you need a good bow but nothing fancy. A bow that fits you and is between 30-40 pounds is ideal. You should be able to find a used bow in a pawn shop for less than one hundred dollars! A new bow should be around 180 or less. I have a PSE that I paid 150.00 new for. Bowfishing equipment gets dirty and takes some abuse so you don't need to spend a ton of money.
Once you have a bow you should by a AMS Retriever reel (59.00), Bowfishing rest (7.00), 2 muzzy SLIDER arrows (15.00 a piece, I can find them for 13.00 here), armguard (8.00) and last but not least a cheap pair of polarized glasses, got mine from walmart for 12.00 dollars. A setup like this will last for many years. Take Care Esox357

Silver Bullets
05-08-2005, 02:38 PM
.243 i have a nice bow forsale, would be awesome for bow fishing, i would like to get 150 Canadian for the bow, its a bare bow, i dunno where Esox357 found a new PSE for 150? my new Hoyt Cost me 517.50 and its a bare bow email me at cody01@gmail.com if u are interested in my bow, its a McPherson Mag 500 compound, i can take pictures for u...

05-10-2005, 09:17 PM
Thank yall. Not going to buy a setup just yet though. Got a few other things on my wish list.:rolleyes: