05-01-2005, 01:19 AM
got a call from a Rancher frind of mine from west Texas He said the coyotes are eating him up (livestock). So a few of us are heading out there on the 13th of may and where going to have a old fashion shot out some of us are from other states like Pa,Ill,Mi,Tx,ok and others.We are takeing 3 days for all this fun and it gets us a chance to try out a few new toys .Between all of us we have about avery kind of ecallers made and 4 different decoys .I now some people do not like to shot coyotes in the breeding season but like i said there killing stock.
Bill tells me he is seeing 15 yotes aday just as he is out working the ranch.All those yotes , Snakes ,hot weather man it don't get any better than that.Will post photos and storys when we get back.
Bill tells me he is seeing 15 yotes aday just as he is out working the ranch.All those yotes , Snakes ,hot weather man it don't get any better than that.Will post photos and storys when we get back.