View Full Version : Bullet Puller ?

Merlin Stroud
05-05-2005, 05:44 PM
I just got a used rcbs bullet puller, hammer type.I either don't have it all, or I'm not smart enough to us it. Can anyone tell me how to us this thing?
Merlin Stroud

05-05-2005, 07:11 PM
LOL merlin now i dont feel so bad - in the top (screw off part) there should be 4 little rounded rectangle pieces with a round spring that holds them together - this piece is held in place by the top that screws onto the rest of the puller - take the cartridge and push it down into the hole in the middle of the 4 pieces but make sure the screw-on part is not tight or you wont be able to put it in - the spring holding the 4 pieces should give enough for you to push cartridge in and then tighten the top screw-on part down and smack the hammer bottom on the floor several times and the bullet will fall right out along with the powder -- now if the 4 pieces and the spring come apart well sit down and put them all back in place with the round spring and smoke a cigarette in between trying this or you might lose it all - just keep trying :D

Merlin Stroud
05-05-2005, 08:00 PM
My puller has two pieces in the top under the part that screws on, with a rubber ring around them. it will not open up wide enough for the 223 bullet to go into the hole.

05-05-2005, 09:05 PM
It sounds like you have a piece missing. I just looked at my RCBS puller and it has three metal parts under the screw down part.

Having bought it used that is probably the reason. RCBS has been at replacing parts for me. Call them and order this part and you will ready to go.


Rocky Raab
05-05-2005, 09:05 PM
Merlin, forget the two chunks. Toss 'em or put 'em away. Use the shellholder for that round instead. Remove the threaded cap, insert the cartridge in the shellholder and lower it into the puller body. Tighten down the screw cap.

Whack it.

If the bullet and powder don't come out in a whack or two, recheck that the threaded cap is tight and whack it again.

When it does drop, spin off the cap, lift out the shellholder and empty case, then dump the powder and bullet out.

I like to dump them into a powder funnel. The powder will sift through, but the bullet won't.

Merlin Stroud
05-06-2005, 04:38 PM
Thanks Rocky!
You bailed me out again, This thing works great.
Rocky you got a head on you like a house cat.
Thanks again