View Full Version : .40vs9mm

05-07-2005, 11:51 AM
I would like to by a pistol probably a springfield xd tactical
whay cal. would be better 9mm or .40sw .it will be my first one larger than .22 I have shot
a .357 in a sw 686 . How much recoil does a .40 have

05-07-2005, 12:14 PM
What will you be using it for? For target practice and self defense the 9mm will do fine. Ammo is cheap and you can practice alot. Later on if you decide you need a little more power than you can look at the 40. Recoil wise the 9mm will "rock" in your hand while the 40 has a "snap" characteristic to it. It isn't hard to shoot but I am definitely a little slower with the 40 for follow up shots, compared to the 9mm. Either one will be okay. If you get a chance you may want to rent one at the range and shoot it before you buy. Esox357

05-07-2005, 01:39 PM
I'll be using it fotice as we are not allowed target pracice at the

Andy L
05-07-2005, 03:18 PM
If your not going to shoot much and just want it for self defense, the 40s probably got some more punch.

But the 9 is no slouch and cheaper and easier to shoot.

Cant go wrong either way....


05-07-2005, 04:43 PM
Saskshooter... I have a XD-40 Tactical and it is a great gun. Now if you reload the .40 is fine... if you don't go with the 9mm... ammo is cheaper and prob easier to find (I dont' know where in SK you are, but here, I can't find .40 locally.

The recoil is a little more than the 9mm but would be less than a .45acp.

For my money (and id I was to do it again) I would go with the 9mm.

As for what we can use it for (to our American friends) I know it will be target shooting at the range only. (it sucks sometimes to be Canadian)

05-07-2005, 06:33 PM
it seems that the 9x19 has better range (accuracy at distance) and quicker follow up shots, the .45 has more punch but slower follow up shots and less downrange accuracy, the .40 has the best of both worlds..... i shot a xd .40 and a hk usp .40 compact at the range thursday, i am mentoring with the local police department, they use .40s as their guns, and lemme say they do shoot great, either gun. i also shot their m16 too but thats gettin a little off topic

05-07-2005, 08:46 PM
I live in swift current.the closest dealer is about an hours drive
he has a xd 40 in stock for 750.i'll probably check out saskatoon
next week and when spring breakup is over for my rig i'll be in
edmonton evry couple of weeks and maybe shoot a few at wild wild west before bying a centrefire. oh yeah i do reload as well.

05-08-2005, 12:40 AM
You could try Bender in Lancer, I bought my XD from him at the local gun show here.

I wouldn't give the guys at wild west any more of my money.. if you want to shoot, try phoniex on the south side of ed. Much nicer people, and better rates.

With reloading a .40 is fine. But I think I would still go the 9mm.

I have family in Swift and the surrounding area as well.. usually down there a few times a year.

05-08-2005, 12:57 PM
bender is in swift its doug rayner in lancer it's him who has
the .40 for 750.I have family in loyd area as well. maybe we could
get together and shoot sometime.

05-08-2005, 11:30 PM
hey toxic .

next time your in swift check out plains ammunition at gull lake
30 minute drive he custom loads ammo.I haven't bought from him lately but used to get .357 from him for 6.00 a box you may have ran into him at some gun shows.

05-09-2005, 09:11 AM
Doug, is a good guy.. its hard to beat his $750 for an XD, most gun shops can't.

I used to buy some of my archery gear from Bender... but not anymore.

I've never checked out plains ammo, but my bro used him for his .25-06 until he screwed up 100rnds of loaded amo (they were over sized, the bolt would not close on them)

I load my own, so no need for custom loaded rounds.

If you know you are going to be up ion my neck of the woods give me a pm, and we will try to meet up.

05-09-2005, 10:16 PM
.40 for defense. 9mm for games.

05-09-2005, 11:08 PM
If you just want a carry/plinking gun, and the chances of ever using it to save your life are slim, most people shoot the 9 better, and the ammo`s cheaper. However, if i had to bet my life on it, i would bet on the .40.

05-16-2005, 03:08 PM
after being at the Glock match this weekend and seeing the difference. I would say if you want something that is cheap to shoot at the range and good to target practice. go with the 9mm If you want it for a little more punch/knockdown power (home defense) go with the 40cal

05-16-2005, 06:10 PM
I allways was thought that shot placement was key?
Personaly I would rather use a .25 that handels well, than a .500 that I would only get one shot off with. Ive heard of many storrys where the .45, .40 havent stopped someone with one shot. Face it, their is no magic bullet. Their is also alot of ammo that increaces the 9x19 killing power.

A double tap with a 9mm isnt dificult,with practice. Cost of ammo does add up if you wana be proficant with a handgun. I think its kinda silly to take a 9mm to practice with, then using a .45 during a real situation. Kinda makes sense to me, to use the weapon your used to.

Having a high clip compasity is also a good idea. This isnt a old western movie where everyone "playes by the rules". Their is a good chance, you would be facing more than one armed BG.

Thats just my take on it.
Other than that, use what your confortable with.

rem 700
05-20-2005, 06:34 PM
Well, I simply say go with the 40. The speed is faster than that of a 45 and its power comes very close. A 9mm isn't going to kick barely at all, which is good for targets, but an all around(not hunting big game though)nice pistol i believe should be the 40s&w. Not too much recoil itself. Especially when you compare to the 50 Action Express cartridge fired in a Desert Eagle. Now those are fun.