View Full Version : Carbon Arrows?

05-10-2005, 09:42 PM
I would like to hear somones opinion on the BEST and CHEAPEST arrows I can find and where to find them. This is only my second year of bow hunting and I'm not quite sure of the best purchases for my money.

05-10-2005, 11:30 PM
Gold tips are my brand of choice. Other big name brands are good quality as well: Carbon Express, Beman, etc.
Each manufacturer has a few quality ranges (good, better, best), and the price follows the quality. I usually choose the mid level quality. For example, gold tip has an expedition, expedition xt, and pro models. I usually choose the expedition xt's.
As far as best price, do a search of the brand you choose and compare online prices. You can also check auctions such as ebay, or our sponsor Hunting Trader.

300 RUM
05-11-2005, 12:28 AM
I also shoot Gold Tip XT's they are reasonably priced and seem to hold up very well. Both my local pro shops highly recommend them. They are made here locally, I dont know if thats why they are so highly recommended. But I must say they have held up better than the last carbons I had from Beman.

05-12-2005, 12:35 PM
A very good friend of mine and my personal bow tech always told me.

"When you bend or damage more arrows than you loose at the practice range it is time to switch from allum arrows to carbon. "

I do target shoot with carbons now but I still hunt with my pse loaded with 2719's and 115 grain muzzy tips. I love being able to shoot in the wind as i hunt alot of field edges and it seems to be windy when i hunt.

06-26-2005, 08:42 AM
Get the best ones you can afford. The important thing is that they are the correct size for your draw length and weight.

06-29-2005, 12:18 PM
There is no compelling reason to get the most expensive carbon arrows. If you really must.......buy the most expensive you can buy and then buy some Beman Epics or Excels (inexpensive) and you tell me the difference in performance and durability. My experience is any difference in perforformance will be negligible (if it can be measured at all) and durability is just as good.

06-29-2005, 12:25 PM
First of all, welcome to the boards ehntr!

Second of all.. I have been shooting gold tips for just about 9 years now, they have treated me well in 3-D shoots, and just plain shooting. They are a reasonable price, and stand up just as good as anything else out there.

06-29-2005, 07:31 PM
To, Why do you want to switch to carbon?
I am shooting them in my new set up, but only because of above mentioned tight groups ruining the alums. Seems everyone thinks speed is with carbons. After switching to carbons on my new bow, using a shorter arrow and everything... they weigh the exact same thing as my old 2413s.
And in my experience, alum are more forgiving and quieter. I may just be switching back before long;)

07-06-2005, 10:47 AM
IMHO the only real advantage carbons have over the other mediums is they are either (nearly) straight or broken.

i've purchased new carbons only to find that some are not straight. when that occurs, there is no recourse. you have to send them back or shoot them "as is". aluminumn and wood can be straightened and even repaired.

remember, speed is only one factor, not the only factor to consider.

07-20-2005, 12:16 PM
i believe that Easton arrows are the best arrows for the price. i bought a dozen of their carbon epics for 65 bucks and they are as good if not better than my buddys 105 dollar uns. it just depends on how much money you wanna spend. all you are doin is buyin the name. cabelas or walmart arrows will do the job just fine, but if you want better accuracy you gotta pay.