View Full Version : Portable shooting bench for pd

05-15-2005, 01:12 PM
How many of you guys use portable benches when shooting PDs? Do most of you use the benches from cabelas or whatever or would a simple folding chair and table be stable enough?

Skinny Shooter
05-17-2005, 11:16 AM
If I went PD hunting regulary, I'd probably put together a table similiar to the one in this link: http://longrangehunting.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=UBB10&Number=52644&Searchpage=2&Main=52617&Words=portable&topic=&Search=true#Post52644
Here's some more to see:

Hope this helps.

05-18-2005, 09:49 AM
I do go prairie dog shooting all the time and definitely recommend a shooting table. Most card/foldings table are not sturdy enough for good shooting. You can buy shooting tables and most are junk or way over priced..........I made this one using a piece of good plywood and some legs I abscounded from a banquet table. You will want some kind of pad on top for your elbows......serious dog shooting is hard on your elbows. I used closed cell foam I had around for another project. For a chair I used a retired aluminum folding lawn chair I bought at a yard sale.

http://www.hunt101.com/img/281857.jpg (http://www.hunt101.com/?p=281857&c=500&z=1)

05-18-2005, 09:51 AM
This is a bench I use for woodchuck hunting:
You can make it yourself, and it works quite nicely. It's amazingly stable, can be carried in one hand, and will fit in a car trunk.
BTW, SKB's absolutely right about elbow padding if you do much shooting. I use a sandbag under my right elbow(shooting righthanded).

05-18-2005, 09:55 AM
Jack ...you know what they say about great minds. Mine folds flat as well. I like not having loose legs that roll around and by folding completely flat I can pack it in very nicely.