View Full Version : prolly gunna go over to the dark side
05-16-2005, 02:16 PM
After all the shooting at that Glock match this weekend I told the wifey that I "Just have to have one" She said it's have to wait till after our vacation this summer. I guess I know what I am getting for Christmas :rolleyes: hehehe
Now I gotta decide it I want to get it in 9mm, 40 cal, Or if I wanna kill 2 birds with one stone and get it in .45 acp?
05-16-2005, 02:35 PM
How is getting it in .45 ACP killing two birds with one stone? I would think that the .40 S&W would be a compromise between the 9 mm and the .45 ACP.
Unless of course you think you can kill two perps with a single shot from the .45 ACP.
05-16-2005, 03:16 PM
Its more like he can kill one perp with one round of .45 ACP rather than many rounds of 9 mm!
05-16-2005, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Hawkeye6
Its more like he can kill one perp with one round of .45 ACP rather than many rounds of 9 mm!
Hahahaha yep something like that. If I were to get a 9mm it would be for shooting fun. I would still have to use the .357 for home protection.
05-16-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
How is getting it in .45 ACP killing two birds with one stone? I would think that the .40 S&W would be a compromise between the 9 mm and the .45 ACP.
Unless of course you think you can kill two perps with a single shot from the .45 ACP.
well I want a .45acp but I really would like to get it in a 1911 style, AND I would like to have a GLock. problem with getting a Glock in .45 is I would prolly still want a 1911 style .45 sooooo the Clock will prolly be a 9mm or a .40cal.
Don't get me wrong there is nothing (IMHO) wrong with a 9mm that a double tap wouldn't take care of and the ammo is defintely cheap enough for plinking. so I just do not know.
It doesn't matter anyway I'll prolly get the CZ-52 first anyway. they are seemingly starting to get more scarce and more expensive and the Glocks really aren't so I guess I will just have to wait until the July Silverado show and see what happens
05-16-2005, 05:21 PM
Welcome. Bwahahaha!!!
05-17-2005, 10:37 AM
get a cz52...get a cz52!!!!
05-17-2005, 01:05 PM
I'd get a Glock 17 over the 45ACP counterpart anyday. Those 45's have way to big of a grip for me and feel real clunky. With modern 9mm ammo you would plenty of defensive power should you need it. You'll shoot the 9mm more. The G22's are cool too but 40's aren't as much fun. You could use that G17 along with some mouse loads and be real competitive in an IDPA match if you ever got into that.
05-17-2005, 01:41 PM
yeah TD you are probably right. I'll prolly go with the Glock in 9mm and get a decent 1911 style .45 later. The next on the list will prolly be the CZ-52 though.
I think I can swing that $149- $189 price tag a little easier this year than I can the Price of a Glock or a 1911. Not to mention like I was saying earlier, the CZ-52s are gettign more scarce and higher price ever time I turn around so I think in July I will go ahead and pick on up at the gun show, Glock will be after that and then the .45 . That should about cover me for handguns for awhile.
Then on top of that I gotta get my son a shotgun to start shotoing clays and squirrels next season.
05-17-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by earschplitinloudenboomer
get a cz52...get a cz52!!!!
schweet looks lik you like them too. I personally think they are a great gun for the money and I like the style of them and the power of that 30 cal round they shoot
05-17-2005, 01:48 PM
$149 for a handgun, that would almost border on Saturday night special classification. How can those guns be that inexpensive when compared to other handguns (e.g., Beretta, Glock, H&K). Then again, I think S&W is a little cheaper than the three mentioned above as examples.
05-17-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
$149 for a handgun, that would almost border on Saturday night special classification. How can those guns be that inexpensive when compared to other handguns (e.g., Beretta, Glock, H&K). Then again, I think S&W is a little cheaper than the three mentioned above as examples.
They are mil surplus and old as the hills. But they are a workhorse and from what I have heard if you clean them up and take care of them they do not malfunction.
I could have gotten a Star in 9mm for a little more than that last Silverado show. I think the Star was $229 ir $219 but I didn't want it in 9mm I would have bought it if it were in 45acp the guy just didn't have one
05-17-2005, 02:23 PM
There a link to a CZ-52 for $155 with holster and 2 mags
05-18-2005, 12:46 PM
Glock does have a .45 with a grip more thin than before. But I think its only for the .45 G.A.P.
Here is the artical :
05-18-2005, 04:35 PM
I learned quite a bit about Glocks over that weekend shooting match.
I don't thing I would spend the money on that GAP. The round is .45cal but only the length of a 9mm. comes up a bit short compared to the .45 acp. Plus I just don't think it will catch on and last, it'll be hard to get the ammo for that thing
05-20-2005, 03:45 PM
CZ52's are somewhat limited on magazine capacity, but extra mags are readily available.
The three I have are in excellent condition, function flawlessly and get a lot of respect from anyone else at the range (muzzle flash is great). Recoil is negligable but really good muzzle velocity is common. (1200 to 1600 fps).
FOR THE MONEY, this pistol is hard to beat.
05-23-2005, 10:20 AM
That is exactly what I hear from almost everyone that owns one. I just gotta get one and find out for myself what all the hoopla is about :)
The next Gunshow around here is in July so I recon that'll be when I get mine, if I can find a decent one for a half decent price
05-23-2005, 02:40 PM
...I had not seen this pistol until I bought one. I bought it based on price. I hope you buy one too. I won't presume to tell you that it is "the" carry weapon. I won't tell you that it rivals a Colt or Smith. I will tell you that it's a hell of a bargain. Their is quality there. Pay a few bucks extra, get a little better grade. Pick up some ammo, familiarize yourself with the gun...and enjoy. You may find yourself shooting low, left at first, most folks do. A high firm hold will compensate some. There are upgrades, you decide how much extra you want to put into it. Shoot it, research it on some shooting boards...and please give us a range report.
shoot safe, shoot often
06-01-2005, 09:59 AM
Take a look at the Glock 36(?) I think it is a slim grip single stack and in 45 acp. 45 Glocks are noted for there acurracy. Besides go to the shooting range and when you get home clean your Glock in the dishwasher and then oil and reload; It couldn't be easier.
06-06-2005, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Slim-Zippy
Take a look at the Glock 36(?) I think it is a slim grip single stack and in 45 acp. 45 Glocks are noted for there acurracy. Besides go to the shooting range and when you get home clean your Glock in the dishwasher and then oil and reload; It couldn't be easier.
Oh I have seen the accuracy of the Glock in .45 acp first hand I know they are schweet. I guess I will get one, someday.
Montana Cowboy
06-17-2005, 10:07 PM
Evening Madman
Just to let you know that CZ-52" cost $99.00 at SOG (Southern Ohio Gun) for very good condition to $109 at Century Arms for excellent condition, if you have a C&R(Curio & Relic ) license.
The CZ-52 is a fun gun to shoot, but isn't the most accurate handgun ive shot. MC
07-25-2005, 09:28 PM
The Glock 37 in .45 GAP has identical ballistic performance when compared to the .45ACP. This test was done using Win. 230 JHP self defence ammo. Muzzle velocity, Foot pounds of energy, trajectory...every aspect of the two were identical. This test was performed by Guns and Ammo about 6 mo. ago.
Glock designed the GAP for people who wanted the performance of a .45ACP in a carry gun but wanted a smaller package to deliver it. The G-37's frame is the same size as the 9mm/.40 frames with a slightly wider slide to accomidate the larger bore.the casing of the GAP is re-enforced to withstand the slighty higher pressure generated from the shorter round. The round had to be shortened to get it to fit in the smaller frame.
As to Glocks in general...I own 4 of them. G-21, G-35, G-17 and a G-30. I would bet my life on them and I do regularly as carry the G-30 and the G-17 on a regular basis.
I use the G-21 and G-35 for competition in both USPSA and IDPA matches. I used to shoot a Para P-14 & 16 ltd. until I went to Glock.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny
I get superb accuracy out of all my Glocks but I did change to KKM barrels in the 21 and 35 so as to be able to shoot large volumes of lead bullets in matches, but the factory barrels are just as accurate with same point of impact as the KKM match barrels.
I shoot 2 to 3 matches a month and my Glocks dont burp, hiccup, jam, FTF or FTE. They run perfectly...right out of the box. I shoot in Limited Division against several 1911 type raceguns like STI, SV/Infinity, Para, Springfield, Caspians etc. It is a miricle if I can go a whole match and one of these hi-end guns doesnt jam or screw up but the glock keeps on tickin :)
You can spend alot on a quality .45....but why?
I just got a N.I.B. O.D. Green frame G-21 for $514 with 2/13 rnd mags. STI will run you $1695....Springfield/ $750 +....Para/$800 ...You get what I mean :)
Just check them out....With Glock, there is no need for any other guns...MY Para is in the safe gathering dust.
07-26-2005, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Montana Cowboy
Evening Madman
Just to let you know that CZ-52" cost $99.00 at SOG (Southern Ohio Gun) for very good condition to $109 at Century Arms for excellent condition, if you have a C&R(Curio & Relic ) license.
The CZ-52 is a fun gun to shoot, but isn't the most accurate handgun ive shot. MC
I wish I could get one that cheap in my area. I know I could order one and have it shipped to a local FFL and pay that fee but bythe time you do that, shipping, FFL fees and the wait I am just better off to put the xtra cash in the local dealers hands and go on with my business.
BTW I bought one at the Local Gun Show weekend before last and just called today he said it is ready for pickup anytime I am ready to come get it.
I would have been on my way right now but the reciept and $$ are at home in my dresser and the shop closes at 7:00 so I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.
The wife wants me to wait until Saturday so we can " go for a Saturday morning ride" the shop is 1 1/2 from our house.
I told her I don't really see me waiting that long to go get it. hehehehee
Probably leave work ealry tomorrow and go pick it up.
Will give you all a report on how I like the CZ-52 within the next week or so. Hopefully I will pick it up tomorrow and get to the range Saturday or Sunday to shoot it.
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