View Full Version : Check out the June 2005 Readers Digest

Mil Dot
05-17-2005, 08:50 PM
They have a article on the last days of Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend who were eaten by a Brownie.

This guy was a idiot from everyones point of view. Girlfriend got to listen to him being torn apart for over 4 minutes then, screaming in terror for his loss got to face the same fate alone and deep in the wilderness.

05-18-2005, 12:40 AM
I think more liberal fools should go into the woods and sing to the Grizzly.

05-18-2005, 01:25 AM
Agreed, but I think they should also try it with the lions in Africa and the Tigers in Asia. I hear those animals want to be friends too.

05-18-2005, 11:38 AM
Who this guy,......?
If he was part of PETA alli can say is OH WELL ,......
Wild life is meant to be wild,.....and if u r in his house(the woods),then u have repositioned ur self on the food chain.

Simple and to the point.

Later All
SAFE HUNTIN~ and making friends with WILDLIFE

05-18-2005, 11:48 AM
Depends on whether or not you happen to be in the woods with a .338 Win Mag or Ultra Mag or not. This idiot went out there with the grizzlies without any protection other than a frying pan. While he was being eaten, he was screaming to his girlfriend to hit the bear with the frying pan. Yeah, right. She just sat there and watched until it was her turn to be eaten. Me, I would have been running. Actually, if I were in that position I would have been shooting unless the bear got me before I could get to my gun.

These people had the mentality that they would be privileged to be eaten by a bear and that if it were to happen the bears should not be held responsible for it. Hello, how about the other people that the bear might kill after it tasted human flesh? These people kill me. Their thinking is off the charts. Same goes for people that think animals and wildlife should be used by man without regard for it. Me, I think there should be a balance between wildlife and man. Right now, that balance is completely skewed where I live because everything is becoming asphalt.

05-18-2005, 11:59 AM
We think alike in alot of ways Fabs,.....are u my long lost pops? lolol!

I agree as well with everything you stated.
It seems the more humans move into the woods and timbers a such ,the more interactions they and we are having with wildlife of all sorts.
A balance needs to be in place, but it seems the "WildLife" is going to make that balance whether we want it or not.
Animals were here before we were and like the Native Indians ,the white man will think he can just take whatever he wants with no regard for those that can "CONSUME HIM" (or her).
I respect our wildlife,and I dont only mean critters and such, I mean all living things,..plants and animals.Humanbeings?Really who cares about a critter that is like a cancer, and eats away it`s surroundings and those of other innocence?! "Not I said the Wolvie" .

Later All

05-18-2005, 02:52 PM
Has anyone seen the commercial where the dude is dressed like a lion and is walking towards a pride of lions while he's being filmed? Then it says, "People do stupid things".

05-18-2005, 03:32 PM


M.T. Pockets
05-18-2005, 04:04 PM
If I remember right, he ended up getting the bear killed too when the troopers came to scrape up what was left of him.

05-18-2005, 06:00 PM
He got two bears killed. The troopers shot one away from the camp when it challenged them on the path to the camp. At the camp they had to shoot another bear that looked like it was staulking them and I believe it actually threatened them once. The first bear was killed at 12 yards, way too close for my comfort level. The troopers had to leave because of bad weather and they did not have a chance to examine the stomach contents of the bears. The bigger of the two bears was the one they killed on the path. When they came back to examine the stomach contents of that one they found human parts and clothing in the stomach. The camp was situated on a sort of bear cross roads on the island so that the tree huggers could see as many bears as possible. As a result, the entire bear carcass had been eaten by other bears before the troopers could come back and examine the stomach contents. However, it appeared that the smaller bear had been guarding the food cache that consisted of human body parts.

Yep, the idiots got two bears killed for their stupidity. Almost as bad as a friend of my brothers that got a promotion, bought a BMW M3 as a result, and went out drinking with some friends later that night to celebrate. Of course, he had to try out the new BMW on the way home which resulted in him killing two of his good friends and landing himself in the hospital and probably in jail with 2 counts of vehicular manslaughter. His stupidity got his friends killed. Difference is, the tree huggers at least died.

05-18-2005, 06:31 PM
Hey fabs, Id be running too -and I bet I could outrun him- Id be on a dry path and he would be on a wet path.

05-19-2005, 12:16 AM

That was hilarious. I think I would be the same way. That is why I have no real desire to go dangerous game hunting.

Mil Dot
05-19-2005, 05:53 AM
The RD article actually seems to cover the just of the incident pretty well.

Over the years, Treadwell, a misguided New York youth turned So Cal beach bum had been warned repeatedly by friends and enemies alike to quit naming the bears, singing to them and violating the 50 yard safety rule established by the NPS for the proctection of both bear and humans. Ignoring rules and warnings this Knothead was repeatedly seen in videos and photos violating the NPS rule and the rules of common sense.

Enter Urus Horriblus (sp?), the ultimate enforcer, with an empty stomach and bad attitude.

As to the girl, she had nowhere to run to! The afore mentioned Knothead had set up camp in the middle of a huge NP, in the middle of an alder thicket ( by the looks of the pictures in RD) with narry any type of a substantial tree to even climb. Oh well, if it wasn't for following this clown she would have probably followed Jim Jones down to Guyana for cookies and Kool Aid.

After hearing her boyfriend being torn apart for 4 or5 min Kool Aid may have started sounding pretty good to her.

05-19-2005, 12:47 PM
How about running away from the bear while the bear munches on her boyfriend. I would have casually started walking away, trying to keep the tent between me and the bear and try not to make a sound. Once I got to the woods, I would have been gone. I don't know exactly what the circumstances were, but I think I would have tried to head towards the shore and pray that the pilot coming on Sunday would see me out there while he was circling the island.

Mil Dot
05-20-2005, 06:37 AM
Personally, about the time Treadwell started showing her pictures of Brownies at 10' or so back in Boulder you'd think a rational person would have a couple of red flags popping up.

I agree that sitting there waiting for the bear to come eat me is not what I'd do, but just the fact that you're there is like going to Beirut, unarmed and wrapped in a US flag.

How does it go ... ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

05-23-2005, 10:24 AM
Grizzly Man



Non-spoiler alert: The star of Werner Herzog's Sundance award-winning documentary Grizzly Man is dead. The surprising part is that before he was killed, Timothy Treadwell spent 14 summers living among Alaskan grizzly bears — and he filmed himself constantly with a camcorder. The resulting footage, which wowed audiences in Park City, Utah, constitutes the backbone of director Herzog's documentary. ''He was driven by demons and ecstasy,'' says the legendary German director. ''There was some sort of secret wish in him for someone to show these scenes. It's a film about the deepest turmoil of the human soul.''
I guess we`ll get to see this dip S**T get his for being idiot.
Romured to be out in August 12, 2005

Later All

05-23-2005, 03:29 PM
....an' visions of Sigfried and Roy...