View Full Version : New record Blue Catfish

05-25-2005, 06:04 AM
I saw on ESPN this morning that a new world record blue cat was caught in the Mississippi River. An Illinios man caught the 124 lb. catfish sunday morning. The fish has been kept alive and is currently residing in the Kansas City Cabelas fish tank.


Ol` Joe
05-25-2005, 12:24 PM
Artical with pic here.


05-26-2005, 12:26 AM
Heard about it on the radio this morning. Just saw the pic on the above link. MAN what a fish. Bet he was tird when that fight was over. Anyone know what gear he was using, ie line and hook size, rod length, bait?


05-26-2005, 10:51 AM
I had heard about this story on the news this morning while driving into work. There are some enormous cats in the Mississippi!

I also heard that reportedly, this catfish had died during the transportation process:(

05-26-2005, 12:54 PM
Awwww...shoot...I coulda noodled that lil ole cat in myself...:eek: :p
The lucky bash****...wouldnt mind catchin 1 like that...

05-26-2005, 01:29 PM
One? Heck no I got a big ol family of rednecks ta feed, I would need at least two, and some beans and tater salad.
