View Full Version : Rifle slings

ringneck 1
05-25-2005, 07:46 AM
I seen a sling advertised on the outdoor channel .Im looking for .the sling splits so you can were it on the middle of your back or a across your chest.its bein couple months I seen it advertised .What for slings do you use for the bigger heavier rifles.thanks

05-31-2005, 09:15 AM
Since I started using the newer neoprene type, like Vero Vellini, I'll never go back to leather. They don't slip & slide around on your shoulder and they have spring in them, which means they are much more comfortable. I really can't find a complaint against them. The leather one's I did use were plain basket weave, as I liked the flexibiliity and not something stiff and hard bending. Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Gil Martin
05-31-2005, 06:53 PM
The local gun shop sells excellent used leather military slings for $3 and I buy all the best ones. One treated with neatsfoot oil and mink oil, they are water resistant, soft and flexible. When properly installed the military sling can be adjusted without unhooking it. I am amazed at the way I see these slings assembled on various rifles. All the best...