View Full Version : interesting statistic

05-25-2005, 01:19 PM
Montana's Total Population as quoted from the Census Bureau's Website is 902,195. As per and article on Cabela's, (stats from the U.S. Dept of Fish and Game and the Census Bureau) Montana had 727,667 Hunter last Year.

That is a lot of hunters per Capita.

I will post a few others when I get time to look up the Total populations of the other states listed in this atricle. I don't know what magazine the article is out of, a lady in my wife's office handed me the page ripped out of the magazine and it doesn't have the Magazine name on the page anywhere.

The info listed in the articel gives the Percent of total U.S. Population and the Number of hunters.

Like California is 12.1% of the total U.S. Population and has only 855,181 hunters. While Wisconsin is 1.2% and has 2,715,070 hunters. Oregon was next on the list at 1.2% of U.S. Pop and 1,378,198 hunters.

I am not normally into statistics because they can be so twisted around but this was pretty interesting IMHO.

05-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Wisonsin Total Population is 5,363,675 with 2,715,070 hunters. pretty impressive

While Alaska is even equally impressive with 626,932 total Pop and 226,049 hunter.

I really liked the stats for Montana though, 902,195 total pop with 727,667 hunter

Rocky Raab
05-25-2005, 04:29 PM
Are you sure that's 727k resident hunters? Or all hunters, to include non-res? I'd believe that.

Otherwise it'd mean that every single man and woman and a good chunk of the kids ALL hunt - which isn't likely.

05-25-2005, 04:41 PM
I dunno Rocky my Brother-in-law is from Montana and I think about the only folks there who DON'T hunt are those in the graveyard.



Ol` Joe
05-26-2005, 03:50 AM
Rocky, I believe they list the total number of tags sold as " the number of hunters". Take a guy that hunts deer, small game and elk and that would be three hunters the way they figure it.
Michigan offen lists a number as the amount of hunters in the state takeing a deer for the season, then breaks it down by X amount of rifle kills, Y amount of bow hunters and so on. The numbers I`ve found for last year lists 1,706,367 licences sold, (hunters) 755,966 of which were deer tags of some type. (We have rifle, bow and BP tags) How many of the deer tags were sold to the same person is anyones guess.

05-26-2005, 10:02 AM
You would think that with the advancement of computer technology that they would be able to know exactly how many resident hunters they have in a state. Quite amazing that they still count the number of hunters by the number of tags sold.