View Full Version : Alberta Hunting Lodge

Jamie Hunt
05-28-2005, 02:47 PM
Ok, I posted this on another board, and I thought some others might be interested. If you decided to get involved with this project each person would be set aside certain times during the Hunting season. Each investor would have a full equity share in the Lodge. I was also thinking that perhaps work Equity could be included. Ideally the land would be located on a creek, or River, close or on the green zone. This could easily turn into a 5-10 year project. How much it will cost depends on how much land we want, What type of building we put up, if we hire someone, or do it our selfs.
We already have plans drawn up for the different development ideas. and how we want the land to be used for making a bit of $$$ (Hay) during the off season. We were thinking a large double garage package, with a porch on the front and some extra windows. Propane heat, drilled well (maybe), Permanent heated tree stands, Food plots, baiting stations, Trap range, rifle range and the list goes on. Of course this would have to happen over a few years. Even if we had to drag a old trailer or mobile home for the first little while.. Doesn't matter. We can bring money, construction experience (lots) and a Real estate license to the table. Oh yeah and a huge desire to do this. I am even willing to take some of the commission from this sale and and just drop it right into the construction fund. We could get this place set up really nice. If we worked it correctly we could even make a dollar or 2. I am thinking a share sale with a corporation owning the land and buildings,(Assume the mortgage??) that way if someone wants out they can just sell the shares. Of course we would have to set it up so that existing members had first right of refusal. I think it could make one heck of a hunt club! As far as location goes, I was thinking (but its open for discussion) north of Valley View. (Exact location we can keep between us.. HAHAH) In one field we saw a total of 17 elk, 14 bears, and Big whitetail.(Over 10 days) Lots of green zone,Lots and lots of farm land, easy access, TONS of bears, big Elk, HUGE white tails, Monster Mules. Some moose. I have a friend who lives up there who could act as the care taker or maybe even a investor. As you can see we have put a lot of thought into this idea. If your interested in helping start this project please get in touch with me. My Email is jamiehunt@shaw.ca
PS. none of these ideas are wrote in stone. Feel free to bring your own ideas.

05-28-2005, 04:37 PM


ghost stalker
06-04-2005, 10:05 PM
i worked up in that area this winter and have hunted in the area for 2 yrs now. are you from the area? would like to hear more about your ideas.