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05-31-2005, 01:29 PM

Free Hunting for Troops
By Will Snyder

Texas proposal could mean complimentary licenses for military

May 2005

A Texas state house representative introduced a bill that would give active military free hunting and fishing licenses if they are residents of the state. The first version of the bill called only for reduced fees, but Rep. Terri Hodge, whose husband is serving in Afghanistan, successfully altered the language to require free licenses.

The concern about making the license free is that it could put a large dent in the Parks and Wildlife Department’s budget. There are close to 115.000 people serving in the Armed Forces who are Texas residents. Officials estimate that 6,300 of them would obtain hunting licenses and 17,000 would need a fishing license.

The legislation awaits final approval in the house and a vote in the senate.

Forget the budgeting BS My way of looking at it is ANY vetran should be able to hunt or fish for free for the rest of their natural lives. I think we have gone FAR to long without showing the vetrans how much they are remembered and appreciated.


05-31-2005, 04:16 PM
Maryland does something Similar.
From the Maryland DNR website:

Maryland residents serving in the United States Armed Forces and stationed in Maryland must purchase a Resident Hunting License before hunting, .

unless they are on official leave and possess a copy of their official leave orders. Maryland residents serving in the United States Armed Forces, while on official leave in Maryland, do not need to purchase a hunting license or stamps, except a Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp to hunt migratory game birds. You must possess a copy of your official leave orders while hunting

06-01-2005, 09:32 AM
NY state has something similar to Maryland's law.