View Full Version : i need a little help with picking a stock for ruger 77

06-01-2005, 08:16 PM
first off if this will effect the accuracy i will rethink this but if it shouldnt then i sure would like to put a new stock on this model 77 old ruger - its a 243 heavy barrel and it has the old wood stock that came on the gun - this gun shoots really well and i just thought a new stock would look so much better on it but i dont know what or where to start looking - if it says it will work with a model 77 then will it work ok and the heavy barrel may be another problem - if anyone knows or has a stock they like really well for a 77 heavy barrel i sure would like to know what it is and where ya got it thanks scoot

06-01-2005, 08:47 PM
i believe i need a stock for a long action and not the mkII - this 77 has the slide type safety on the stock of the gun in the middle - its an older gun not sure how old but not new if this helps so i am limited as to what stock i can get i think

06-01-2005, 10:35 PM
You have the older style Ruger 77 not the MkII. You can find a stock for that rifle at many different stockmaking companies. I need to get one for my old long action 270. It fell while hunting an cracked the stock lengthwise. Still shoots ok...but it makes a funny noise and vibrates. I'm going to get a Thumbhole sporter stock for mine. BTW the Ruger you have is the short action.

06-02-2005, 01:39 AM
The Richard's Microfit stocks are really nice with a bit of sanding.

06-02-2005, 04:38 AM
fellas i appreciate the info - never knew it was the short action but thats the reason for my post - scoot is gone shopping thanks :D

06-02-2005, 02:28 PM
Try Boyds stocks out of Mitichil SD.
The have a catalog and web site,
I do like the micro-fit stock though, but they're a bit pricey compaired to Boyds
Also, Midway USA has OK stocks.

07-18-2005, 12:04 AM

check these out. they should improvew acuracy and looks.

i may get one for short action rem project. the last i knew they were working on inletting them for the old rugers.

07-20-2005, 08:43 PM
Try an HS Precision Stock.

07-25-2005, 05:49 PM
You did not say finished or unfinished. If you can finish a stock, you have a lot of options, including your wood and a custom cut. If you can not finish then you are looking at a prefinished or snthetic.

I like wood so am a bit set in my ways in that regard, but I do own several HS stocks. In the unfinished wood, order everything companies, Richards is about as good as it gets. If you have wood, Ed Shulin out of Colorado is about as resonable as it gets for custom inletting.

If you get to lusting over a high grade stock blank, let me know.

Based on what I have seen, if you can not finish the wood, I think Accurate Innovations offers a good deal for the money, in finished wood. HS or McMillan have excellent synthetic stocks.

And then came ebay. You can buy good take off factory stocks fairly cheap on ebay. Just run a serch for Ruger 77 stock.