View Full Version : Barrel Upgrades...

06-02-2005, 07:09 AM
So I am going to upgrade the barrel on my Ruger 10/22 and am looking for opinions on what barrel I should choose. And of course where I can get it cheapest!!

I have my choices narrowed down to Green Mountain Fluted Stainless barrel, and a Volquartsen barrel of same basic design........stainless/fluted...

Which is the better barrel overall, or just better for the money you gotta spend on it? I know I can get a Green Mountain for alot cheaper than a Volquartsen. But am I going to be happy with it is my question?

I am also goint to get a Hogue overmoulded stock, just cause they look and feel great!!

Ah well, lets here the opinions rolling!!

06-02-2005, 10:17 AM
I have a Hogue Bull Barrel on my 10/22 and it will shoot a gnat's ass at 60 yards. I have the Hogue stock on it too but I don't believe the Hogue Bros are doing the barrels anymore. Volquartzen makes some awesome stuff for the 10/22's but I'd bet you would be just as satisfied with the performance of that Green Mtn barrel. While in the process of building my rifle up from stock I sort of had to remind myself with a slap in the face that it's still a .22 Rimfire. I came to that conclusion just after dumping about $800 into it with the stock, barrel, and the Leupold 12x fixed power scope! I saved some money by having my 'smith work the trigger rather than spending the coin on a Volquaartzen which I was about to do. If I did it again I'd stick with the less expensive barrel and spend more on the trigger because Ruger 10/22 triggers truly are crap!

BTW, I just looked at ebaY and there are a few combos for sale there. One is the Hogue stock and Green Mtn barrel for a Buy It Now price of $189 US.

06-02-2005, 10:36 AM
I am very interested in the answer too.

I bought one of Butler Creek's carbon fiber barrels and it shoots like crap. I cannot get anything to pattern well at 50 yards. So, I was thinking about getting a Green Mountain barrel in the stainless fluted version. However, A Volquartsen is also an option. I have their trigger assembly for the 10/22 and I really like it. Something tells me that their barrels would be pretty good too.

Edited to add: I have the Hogue stock for the 10/22 and love it also.


While it is only a .22 rimfire, it is still pretty fun to shoot and inexpensive at that.

06-02-2005, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by TreeDoc
BTW, I just looked at ebaY and there are a few combos for sale there. One is the Hogue stock and Green Mtn barrel for a Buy It Now price of $189 US.

HAHAHAA!! It's alread on my watched items list TD ;)

I stopped looking at Butler Creeks stuff long time ago......after having to mod my hotlips loaders to even work without jamming I knew their stuff was crap.
I am planning on getting the Volq. TRG-2000 group as $$$ allows....Like TD said, Ruger triggers are crapola!!!

I don't mind spending big bucks on my .22 as it is pretty much the only gun I shoot anymore. I just don't get alot of opportunities to hunt........havnet fired a high powered rifle in over 2 years now...

06-02-2005, 04:19 PM
The TRG-2000 is the same trigger group I got for my gun. At first, the trigger wouldn't reset without having to push it foward, but one complaint to Volquartsen and they requested that I return it so they could fix it. Got it back a couple of weeks later and it worked just fine. Plus, it is a great improvement over the stock trigger.

06-02-2005, 08:32 PM
Next question......

Obviously I am going to go with a .920 Bull Barrel.....But what length should I get?? I think I want to get a 20" instead of the 18".

I doubt that I would get much better performance out of a 20" it is more just for looks....I think a 20" would just look better.

What do you think?

06-02-2005, 11:19 PM
I got this one http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/horizontal-pod.jhtml?id=0021497&navAction=push&navCount=1&indexId=cat20803&parentId=cat20803&parentType=index&rid=&cmCat=MainCatcat20712 about a year or so ago and I love it. On the pic, mine looks like the rifle in the upper-left corner. Cabelas used to sell the stock and barrel as a set for about $130, but I don't see them as a set anymore. Anyhow, mine's got a Green Mountain, non-fluted barrel and the Corelite, camo-colored stock. Shoots great.:D

06-04-2005, 11:08 AM

Well, I said screw it all and went ahead with ordering my new parts. Got the Green Mountain Fluted SS barrel in 20" and got the Hogue over-moulded stock.

Can't wait to get em!!

Good thing for NAFTA, at least I won't get hosed for duty :rolleyes:

06-27-2005, 05:41 PM

since when did all of you guys pop out of the wood work as 10/22 nuts?? ;)

i did alot of reading and research on 10/22 barrels before i orderd my gm 16.5" fluted tube.

what i found from other 10/22 nuts on the net is that green mtn barrels are about the best bang for your buck barrel out. shooting right along side of volquartsen tubes and other high end 300 $ barrels

i went with the 16.5" because its suposed to provide the most velocity in the 22lr and all that talked about that barrel said acuracy is right in there with the longer barrels if not sometimes better.

at 16" the 22lr case has burned off all its powder and everything after that is drag and reistance. this is all what ivew read.

mine shoots great at 50 and alittle farther. though it is ammo tmepermental, but all tubes are.

i also bolted green mtn 17hmr tube on bolt action ruger, and ohhh my what an improvent. the stock barrel was 22"s and the gm 17 tube is 20" it is one fine shooting rifle.

so ive got nothing but good to say about green mtn barrels, exscept fot the fact that i want to get another barrel for either another 10/22 project or a 77/22lr

theyre very addicting.

have a merry monday
