View Full Version : Picture of Boydberg 835 Trap gun

06-03-2005, 04:21 PM
Here is a relatively inexpensive Pump shotgun with a Boyd Brothers thumbhole stock put on it. I have shot Trap with this gun and it grinds them into powder! Very minimal recoil also! Here is a pic:D This is a Mossberg 835 with a Boyds thumbhole laminated stock and a 28 inch ported barrel with choke tubes.It crushes targets and actually shoots high! :D

06-03-2005, 04:43 PM
Sorry Guys I am trying to post a pic of this shotgun and not having any luck! Hope this works this time:D

06-03-2005, 10:31 PM
Not bad looking for a Mossberg. Is the stock standard or custom? I would assume custom, but you know what they say about assuming.

Edited to add:
I did some deleting and merging to make the three separate threads one and remove the duplicity. Overall, I think it reads better, but if you do not like it I can put it back.

06-04-2005, 05:56 AM
Thanks for cleaning up my double post Fabs!, To answer your question yes it is a custom stock and I have the front magazine tube counter weighted to soften recoil. One thing nice about the way the stock fits you is you wont lift your head, the grip sort of locks you in place.:D

06-18-2005, 06:15 PM
Nice lookin stock on that ol' 835. Actually makes the gun look acceptable on the trap range I'll bet. You know how some trap shooters are so snobbish. if ya don't shoot a Perazzi or a Kreighoff you ain't jack. I still use an ol 1100 trap I've had for years. Oh and by the way...No matter what kinda stock I have I CAN lift my head. Guarantee ya that. I'm real good at lifting my head. better than good in fact!:D

06-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Yeah Skeet! I hear ya, We all have our moments when we lift our head to see the bird break and cant understand why it didnt! Everything looks so perfect what did I do wrong? Hey if you could velcro your head to the stock till the round was done you would have no excuses right? Breakemall Roy:D