View Full Version : walther p22

06-06-2005, 09:19 PM
thinking of getting a .22 auto pistolis this a good one?

Mickey Rat
07-04-2005, 03:21 AM
Jump on that rascal with both feet! I got one and is it a duzy! Took it out of the box (it don't need no stinking cleaning) and we shot close to 800 rounds thru it.

We use it with Aguilla 60 grain Super Snipers to shoot steel plates with! It is a hoot. The heavy rounds don't stabalize that well, but work great at 15 yards on the plates.

We were at the 100 yard range shooting centerfires rifles. My son had put some water bottles and clay pigeons out at the 100 yard line and on the berm. He was shooting a 17M2, my brother was shooting a 22MAG, and I started in with the Walther P-22. I could walk them in to a clay pigeon within 3-4 shots. I was amazed. I hit a water bottle, too, but just knocked it over. The 17M2 exploded it.

Overall, it is one of the best general purpose 22LR pistols around.

07-25-2005, 09:00 PM
Great little gun.
My son Brad has one and loves it. Too small for my hand but it is a good shooter.