View Full Version : boyd stock help

06-07-2005, 07:24 AM
i ordered a boyd varmint stock to put on an old model 77 ruger 243 heavy barrel and i am not exactly sure whats going to have to be done to it before i can put the gun in the stock - first off i have been told i wont have to do much but they told me i may have to bed it just in front of the action - would you suggest i do nothing other than fit it in and shoot just to see if it will shoot as well or better before doing anything else because the gun shot just fine with the old stock - it just looked "old" and this varmint stock looks great - if it does need the bedding i got the kit from boyds also to do this but have not found much info on how - if its easy to do then i will give it a shot if needed but am hoping someone will send me a link or some good suggestions even if its send it to someone that can do it right - if its an easy thing to do and if i cant screw it up then i may give it a shot myself with suggestions from a few of my buddies - one or two that have done it before but they werent sure if it was done right either but their guns shoot ok thanks for any help scoot

06-10-2005, 01:24 PM
Try this one scooter. I know it's for a Remmy but you'll get the point. After your first one, it'll be a cinch.
