View Full Version : Darn the Luck

Andy L
06-07-2005, 12:52 PM
Got a call from a farmer today that I hunt on alot. He has a hayfield being torn up by skinnys. Reckon Im going to have to go out there this evening and in the morning and see if I can help him out. :cool:

Im going to take a rifle, of course, but Im really hoping to catch one away from his hole. I wanna put my Airedale on him.


06-08-2005, 12:18 PM
When I was alot younger if I could get between them and their hole I would lay my gun down and run them down. WhenI caught them I would kick and stump, got real exciting several times. 7 is the most I ever got that way in 1 summer. Tried it when I was about 45, :rolleyes: , that sucker like to killed me. I finally picked up a rock and pealed him with it.
Let the dog hold the gun and you run them down. :D

06-08-2005, 12:23 PM
Erm.......Make darn sure you get THAT on video!!! HOOOAH!!

Andy L
06-08-2005, 12:30 PM
I dont believe Im gonna be runnin one down. :D

I had my first encounter with a groundhog when I was about 12. We were plowing a field and had a breakdown. I was working on the plow with my uncle under the only shade tree in the field. A big ole mulberry tree. A great big ghog fell out of the that tree, right beside me! I also learned that day that they could climb.

Anyway, I grabbed the only weapon I could find, a 3lb hammer. I chased it across the plowed field and couldnt catch him, so I threw the hammer, hitting him in the back. He stopped and got on his back feet, showing teeth. I backed off and he took off again. Then I got the hammer and second verse, same as the first. Third time was a charm. I finally got out of the plowed ground and caught up and de-brained him. Rifles are much easier. :D

However, I think Tagger, my Airedale, would enjoy it if I could get him where he could catch it before the hole. If he beats us to the hole, Ill put my Jack Russell Terrier in it to bring it out the back door, then Tagger can have at him. ;)

I went out to those holes this morning and none were fresh or active. But, I did hear of some more. Maybe late this evening or in the morning. Its 90+ and humid at the moment. Rained last night and its like a sweat bath.
