View Full Version : What's the fastest....

06-16-2005, 10:06 AM
I could safely push a 40 gr V-Max out of my 223 Savage 10FP, 1 in 9 twist? I realize that accuracy and speed aren't always related, but I'm curious... I don't have any new reloading books, most are 5 years or older.

Are there 40 gr 223's that might be better for high speed applications?

06-16-2005, 10:46 AM
All of the powder manufactures have web pages and if your cheap, and on line, they are about the best place to get safe loadimg data.
As for accuracy with the 40 gn. bullets, probibly extreemly poor. For the 40 gners. you would want something like a 1 in 16 twist. Your gun will be alot more accurate with 60 gn. bullets.

06-16-2005, 02:01 PM
Hadn't thought about he twist rate affecting the accuracy, that' ssomething I'll have to really look at.

Hmmm, maybe I do need a 22-250 or a 220 Swift...

Rocky Raab
06-16-2005, 02:30 PM
You should be able to get near 3500 fps with a 40 gr bullet in the 223. Maybe.

As Catfish pointed out, your 1-9 twist rate may not only affect the accuracy, but it's likely to slow things down as well. It takes extra energy to spin the bullet faster, and that used energy doesn't go into velocity.

I've always preferred 50-gr bullets in the 223, but it's amazing what a 40 Ballistic Tip or VMax will do - even way out there.

Just remember, its accuracy and bullet performance that kill, velocity just scares 'em as the bullet misses.