View Full Version : Into The West

Gil Martin
06-17-2005, 06:25 PM
Is anyone watching this western series on TNT? I watched and taped the first show and the second installment airs tonight. These folks got it right regarding the traditional muzzleloaders. You might enjoy the series, I do. All the best...

Skinny Shooter
06-17-2005, 07:42 PM
I'm watching it. Not bad so far. Would like to see more flinters though... :cool: :D

Mr. 16 gauge
06-19-2005, 09:28 PM
I've been watching.....I have been impressed so far. There are a lot of things that are historically correct (like the bear tearing off Jedediah Smith's scalp & their capture by the Mexicans), as well as the uniforms/equipment of the period.

06-19-2005, 11:45 PM
I really appreciate the time they spent to make it as realistic as possible. Kudos to those who put it together. Definitely the best stuff currently on TV.


07-23-2005, 03:49 PM
Don't mean to ruffle any feathers guys, but this is still Hollywood. I watched every episode, and I've noticed a number of fantasies and inaccuracies, although I admit, this is better than what we've had for previous years. Mr Speilberg treds lightly on the real Indian issue. Most were shot down like dogs; butchered, robbed, raped, scalped and left to rot in the Sun. Can you blame them for being p*ssed off at us? We took their land and homes by murder and force; is there one single thing that the US Gov't kept its word on? The series was OK as far as "TV" goes, but I preferred Kevin Costners "500 Nations" a lot more. Anyway, take a look at Deadwood (HBO). Now that's some fairly accurate going's on during the untamed "Wild West." :) grayghost

Gil Martin
07-23-2005, 04:40 PM
I see what you mean about the story line starting to run a bit dry. The first few shows were the best and then the series seemed to run out of gas. Still better than most TV fare, but with a few flaws. All the best...

07-24-2005, 06:00 PM
That's my view as well Gil. Those of us that love the history of our country are thirsty for some truth and factual portrayal in the media. I'm still amazed at some of the documentaries pertaining to prehistoric man. In reality, we can only guess at some of their daily activities and reasons for making some of the oddities their cultures produced (Birdstones for example). I remember when any Civil War movie was great. Right down to their Trapdoor Springfields and crossed rifles insignias. I now get a snicker from old John Wayne movies where he's always the "good guy" Yankee; complete with belt loops on his britches. He still remains one of my lifetime favorites. Good hunting, grayghost