View Full Version : i miss home

06-21-2005, 10:25 AM
just wanted to say hi to all, i have been translocated for the summer to southern west virginia and havent been checking in much. have seen and waterfowl other than the bigfoots people put in the front lawns down here. can wait to arrive back home for goose season. interesting place this is down here. hope all is well

06-21-2005, 10:56 AM
Good to see you checking in KT. Hope that south west West Virginia doesn't leave any bad traits on you when you get back to PA. May I ask what you are doing down there during your summer vacation? I would hope an internship, but I cannot guess with who.

06-21-2005, 08:45 PM
Wondered where you been...hope you are welll and huntin and havin a good time...fell in love with a guy from Morgantown West Virginia once.....fell out of love when I visited... and met his mother....it was cold....she was cold.....

06-23-2005, 12:13 PM
thanks all, i will say the number of turkeys i see where i work is rediculous. Its a summer job/internship. paid good thats why i took it. The study is on the declining populations of cerulean warblers and the effects that logging has on there breeding routine. Sorry to say the job is a joke, and you could teach a 10 yr old to do a job that i now have after 4 yrs of college learnin. the study is through WVU division of forestry but we are wayyyyy south in near kentucky. if im lucky tonight i will get to watch the farmer bail some hay tonight. Val, i was hoping i might bump into a girl that is in my field down here. Well that wont happen the study sites were purposely divided boys in one place girls in another. until august here i shall remain. I had higher hopes for my first paying biology job. and as for bad traits, i hope i can just remember how to hit a flying target after a whole summer of not trying.

06-23-2005, 05:25 PM
Doesn't sound like much fun to me. I guess they didn't have any jobs in PA that were worthwhile. Don't worry, August is right around the corner, or maybe that is my thinking because I have absolutely no free time until around July 19.

I really do not understand the separation of men and women when you guys are all adults. I don't really understand it in dorms in college.

I went to Morgantown once to visit a friend that was in grad school out there. It is an okay place as far as partying goes and probably hunting, but it would suck to live out there, at least for me it would.

Take care and try to make the best out of it.

06-24-2005, 03:25 PM
compared to where i am, morgantown is about three new york cities put together. the guy running the program is doing doctoral work and i think the idea was he didnt want any guy/girl things screwing up his chances of getting a Ph.D. i wish is was july 19 like i cant tell you.
say fabs, have you got a look at that browning cynergy? whats the scoop on that ugly thing?

06-24-2005, 05:08 PM
I have seen the Cynergy in magazines and Gamailies catalog, but I haven't looked at it in person. Doubt I would ask to look at it since it is a Browning. Haven't looked at a Browning in over 10 years and probably never will.

With that said, a lot of people love Browning. Haven't heard any reviews about the Cynergy though. Seems like everybody has a recoil reducing gun out there. Benelli has the Sport II with the recoil dampening stock. Beretta doesn't have much for recoil reducing in the clays game with the exception of the 391's with the recoil reducer in them, of which I love my Teknys, but Beretta does have a new recoil reduction system on the Extrema.

If you are thinking about getting the Cynergy (ugly stick), you should probably start a new thread in shotguns to see if anybody has any reviews for you.

06-25-2005, 05:00 AM
KT, If you are down in southern Wv you are in the boonies. State tree down there is a white pine planted to reclaim the strip mines. But there is some good trout fishing in those streams. Have you seen any boar? They stocked them a few years ago. Friends son just graduated from WVU and he is sitting on the side of the side of the highway counting rocks as they build a logging road. He is farther north though. Hang in there.

06-25-2005, 11:00 AM
rubicon. one of the biologist down here told me the trout streams are awsome because they stock heavy through may and once turkey season begins every one stops fishing. as for the boar, read an article down here that says they are not doing all that well. seems crazy to me that people would stock such a creature. but i wouldnt mind having something else to hunt besides deer either. yes there is some white pine around thats for sure. one thing that blows me away down here is that even though most of the counties are over90% forested, the land is so scarred. between strip mines, mountain top removal mines and logging, i have never seen such overly exploited land.
fabs, not really looking at a cynergy exactly, just have an aching for an o/u, would like a 20 ga. thanks again guys
35 days and counting till home

06-25-2005, 02:24 PM
KT as you know by now the hills down there are straight up and down and barren. the deer population is almost nonexistant so dnr tried the boars hoping to have something for the locals to hunt. Used to be by permit from a drawing only. The mining companies posted bonds when they stripped those mountains but the cost of proper reclaim was far higher than the amounts of the bonds so they forfieted. The state ended up with the bond money and all that land they couldnt afford to reclaim. Befriend a local and find out where the native brook trout streams are and you can have a ball fishing. Most of the streams are not much wider than a good size ditch running down those mountains but if you sneak up on the stream so the fish dont see you and use a small worm on your hook you can catch them and they fight like a fish 10 times their size.