View Full Version : Valigator's rant

06-21-2005, 09:58 PM
Local news stations that the anchor can barely speak English..

Newscastors who's breast with their "recent boob jobs"....are entering my living room before they do...

illegals washing up on shore...and the news playing like it was an act of God....and if they are imaginative...converting taxi's into flotillas, all the better...:mad:

just a couple off the top of my head...

06-21-2005, 10:01 PM
letter to Newspaper last month ..."hey I included 50 caliburs"

Just a quick comment.....I love the way you sugar coat the Mariel experience...especially your writer Ruth Morris...her " woe is the Marielitos" attitude is enough for some of us to wonder which planet she dropped down from? Why doesn’t one of you go on the FDLE website under the title "Thugs" or "Career Criminals" and check out the names? Look back on your stories and define when the terms "home invasion" and "car-jacking" became common verbage in your paper? Check out the years Florida citizens purchased the most amounts of weapons for home protection? After the Mariel experience, most Floridians other than hispanic, didn’t give a damn about Cuba. In fact alot of us just wanted it blown up and be done with it. Mariel took whatever compassion the average Floridian had to the Cuban plight and demolished it. Your quote "Cubanologists believe that it's unlikely another large-scale, haphazard Mariel exodus will occur again. Subsequent history, such as the smaller 1994 rafter exodus, the Elián Gonzalez confrontation, the "truckonaut" saga and the "wet foot, dry foot" controversy all prove immigration will remain a volatile public policy issue without measures to address the underlying pressures behind the exoduses."

You bet it won’t occur again. If you think the minutemen on the Mexican borders are fed up? Wait until you see Floridians sitting on the beaches with 50 calibers even if it smells like another Mariel.

06-22-2005, 12:22 AM
Well by golly look who is feeling better = Welcome back lol

06-22-2005, 08:42 AM
Thanks Nulle...yea I must be gettin back to my old self....moanin and complainin about the state of the world....ruffelin feathers anywhere I can

06-22-2005, 01:21 PM
Yes sir, it surely is good to have Lilred and Val back. Thay can post a rant better than any body else I know and make you understand it when they are done. Next time you two will have to make sure that only one of you is gone at a time.:D

06-22-2005, 06:59 PM
It's South Florida. :)

06-22-2005, 07:12 PM
It's South Florida.

Yup, its not so bad up here:D

Im happy that your feeling better:)

06-22-2005, 07:50 PM
Hey Val, hate to interupt the rant but I'm hitting town tomorrow morning around 11:00 and leaving Friday night at 7:00 and I NEED some good seafood if you can point me in the right direction. Gonna spend the night around Pompano Beach, not sure where yet. Thanks for any help ya can offer. Indyhntr

06-23-2005, 05:54 AM
For Cocktails and good seafood appetizers....go to the "Cove" its on the intercoastal and a good place to boat and people watch...

For a fish sandwich...go to "Flanagans" on Atlantic Blvd...bar atmosphere...but lunch is good.

Right down the street on Atlantic and the intercoastal is "Houstons" also a hot little place for lunch and dinner.

If you come South just a little....there is a place called "Catfish Deweys" real layed back place the locals go to for all kinds of seafood and all you can eat specials.

Have fun and try to keep dry. Forecast is for more rain, maybe you'll bring the sun with you...:cool:

06-25-2005, 08:31 PM
Thanks for the tips Val, unfortunatly by the time I got done working on Thu. I was whipped and just ended up getting some Italian delivered to the hotel. I must be doing something right, dry both days I was there:cool: Hopefully next time I'll have more time and can take you to dinner. Thanks again, Indyhntr.

06-25-2005, 09:24 PM
Not a problem...glad you stayed dry....but you missed all the girls in their thong bikini's....next time dont work so hard...:cool:

06-25-2005, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by Valigator
Not a problem...glad you stayed dry....but you missed all the girls in their thong bikini's....next time dont work so hard...:cool:

oh poo.......with such a classy and ever so sassy woman like you there, why bother with the youngun's.

Get red there too, and we'd have all the best in one spot :)


06-26-2005, 07:28 AM
Man after my own heart...;)

06-27-2005, 01:38 PM
Just saw a 60 minute report on the minutemen. those border patrolmen must either have been neutered by their bosses. :eek:

Or they're too proud to accept help from people who want to get up off their butts and do something about the tide of drug mules etc. :rolleyes:

06-27-2005, 02:20 PM
Key word "Bosses" = they are told what to do, how to do it and when . I can't imagin how frustrating it must be working down there.

06-30-2005, 11:31 PM
Well at least bosses cant neuter free thought down here yet, theyre trying hard to neuter trade unions though. That what happens when The Liberal Party (Party made for elitists and High income earners with it origins going back to the rich farmers forming the party back in about 1792). is voted in by stupid unthinking voters.

Anybody who thinks Primeminister John Howard is ace for sending troops to Iraq, think again. You only have a president for a max of two terms, our Prime Minister stays in as long as he is voted in and for as long as his party lets him lead.

Coincidentally it was a liberal Government who sent troops to Vietnam and a labour goverment who pulled them out.

That my rant, steam dissipating;)