View Full Version : Coyote question
06-22-2005, 09:07 PM
I just moved to an area that is absolutely LOADED with rabbits. I must see between 5 and 10 of them every day, in various locations on the island. Along with the rabbits, I have heard that there are coyotes, and although I have yet to see one, I have a sneaking suspicion that there is one living in the greenbelt behind our house. Twice in the last two weeks, we have found partially eaten rabbits in our back yard, and they are in VERY bad shape. One was missing it's head, a back leg, and most of it's entrails. The other one was just the back half of the rabbit, and today, I think I found half of it's skull, complete with one eyeball still in it. Now, I have cats, but I am pretty sure it is not them, even though they have been a little tough on the bird population. I am also pretty sure they couldn't do that to a rabbit. I also know that we have raccoons, because I have seen them - in fact, our dogs treed one. But once again, I doubt that a raccoon would do that to a rabbit. So, I am guessing coyote. Now, with all that space in the greenbelt, why would he be leaving dead rabbits in our yard? Could this be a territory thing, and it is doing this because our dogs have marked the yard, which the coyote considers his territory? Should I try calling the coyote and kill it? We have already lost one cat since moving here, and I really don't want to lose more. I live in a populated area, so using a gun is out. But I do have a bow, and the greenbelt is on a hill. If I can call it into my yard, with the hill as a backdrop, would I be safe shooting it with my bow? I am worried that there is an agressive animal in the area, and I just want to keep my animals and my family safe. Any ideas?
06-24-2005, 10:18 PM
Not 100% sure but I'd say its not a yote. I've never seen one leave any part of a kill. We've lost plenty of cats and they just dissappear. Yote, will kill and immediately eat rodents and carry off larger prey. Though I don't know how those that have adapted to city life act.
If you're good with the bow (instinctive shooting) I'd consider setting up a night or very early morning shot.
Ya gotta be careful though, those green belt walkers bleed easily.
If you're near Seattle, I'll be in Kirkland over the 4th. I could bring my 375 H&H, its fairly quiet:rolleyes:
Again, Welcome to Hunt Chat.
06-24-2005, 10:23 PM
Loki, sounds like you have some critters to deal with. Coyotes i have seen will catch a rabbit and carry it back to their pups this time of year, or will take it some place in the woods to eat it, and will pretty much gobble the whole thing down so it`s possiple it`s a domestic cat or dog. However, I don`t know how they would act if they have all the rabbits they can eat. As far as territoial goes, they normaly digest their meal, and leave that behind, lol. Calling a coyote that is`nt hungry is a bit of a challenge as well, you would have to use a pup distress, or howl, so the neighbors may not be amused. And then getting close enough to use a bow, are you good at hitting running targets? Because they usually charge in and back out just as fast with a pup call. How close are the nieghbors, are you inside city limits? If not, a 12 guage shotgun from an elevated position and #5 shot turkey load would be effective, or maybe an "urban" goose gun might work. And then you have another problem, are there any "bunny huggers" next to you, and how would they react to finding a dead coyote on there property that ran off after you shot it, with the arrow still in it of course (if it`s warm, trust me, they will find it). You might call the DNR in your area and ask them to come out, or maybe a dog warden and see if they will set a live trap for you. Any other questions, i`m sure someone here will try to have an answer for you, good luck.
05-21-2006, 01:14 PM
almost sounds like the work of a weasel, they are like cats and kill just to kill!!!
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