View Full Version : buckhammer

06-23-2005, 09:33 AM
Anyone ever use the Remmington buckhammer slugs for bear?....It makes an impressive hole in a target and the accuracy is unreal at 50 yds from my 835....does it have any power to get into the heart of things?..

Born to be outdoors....thanks dad

06-27-2005, 05:38 PM
If you are hunting from a tree stand or ground blind and if your shots are in the 50-75 yd range which is about max, you should be fine. I have shot a ton of deer with slugs and all that have been shot in the lungs/heart area have exited so I have no doubt that a buckhammer should do the same.

06-27-2005, 08:53 PM
Never did do bear........but it has to be a hell of a hunt

I'm a little ole bird girl myself

or a nice big fat gator

06-28-2005, 06:25 AM
BH I havn't got to use them on deer yet but will this year for sure..I just know I can touch the same holes at 50yds with them so maybe even be fun for whistle pigs...know the smokepole is a blast with them...and the first time I took it I got laughed at..till the first shot at 60yds...changed their minds for sure..
val, I don't know about you...first of all your saying of chanel/gunpowder makes an impression on me that should have been on the tv the other day for favorite movie lines...and I think a bear hunt is mild when you see those gators you mess with..how in the world did you get into that?...those are some big critters for a little thing like you to be messing with....I think doing a bear would compare to what you do only if I put down the gun and jumped out of the stand with a knife in mouth onto one and rode it out..(I would win for sure if I attached my old dispatchers name on him) so I have been told....what a woman, and keep up the good work on your other project....maybe we should open a new season 24/7 for those critters..and the peta ones that would stick up for them.....some sick people out there....


06-28-2005, 06:53 AM
your funny....I just look at those boys as swimmin cockroaches....

with dollar signs around their necks