View Full Version : Could I get some data from the latest Hornady manual please.

06-29-2005, 05:47 PM
Would like to have the MAX loads from the latest Hornady reloading manual for the following:

.280 Remington for either the 154 grain Interbonds or 154 grain SSTs using, RL19, IMR4350 and RL22 powders.

I have an older manual and it lists only the 154 SPs.

Thank you very much!

06-30-2005, 01:05 PM
I don`t have any relitivly new manuals, but you can get the data you need from thr powder man. web pages. If I rember correctly you can get the IMR data from the Hodgdon web page. Try www.hodgdon.com.

07-01-2005, 01:45 AM
Mills. They give the same loads for all four Hornady 154 gr. bullets.

IMR-4350 start 42.1 gr., Max 50.7 gr. for 2800 FPS

RL-19 start 46.8 gr., Max 55.6 gfr. for 2800 FPS

RL-22 start 47.9gr., max 58.4 gr. for 2900 FPS.

Paul B.