View Full Version : EZ cast iron recipes?

06-29-2005, 08:37 PM
Ok, just bought a set of those new fangle cooking gadgets... cast iron.:rolleyes:
They are seasoning as I speak (write :p ).
Going to take the kids and the wife on their first camping trip this weekend. (should make for good stories next week, hu?) But anyways, does anyone have some ideas for a few simple cooking endeavors in the cast iron? I plan on the traditional bacon and eggs, probably some baked beans somewhere in there, but what else will be good with out me poisoning or ruining my family for life?
The set has a 6qt dutch oven, a skillet and a griddle.
Thanks for all the help in advance

07-02-2005, 08:41 PM
Be sure to follow instructions for "baking" off the residue on the new cast iron... then cook darn near anything that you can make fit into the dutch oven. I use mine a lot for stews, meats, veggies, just about anything. Cook it covered 'til its tender, then take the lid off an brown 'er a little. Stuff cooks fast and tastes great!
Make great pig in a blanket
Brown beans
Baked beans
If your taters are 'comin' in'... new potatoes and green beans is hard to beat.
Corn bread works in the Dutch oven too.

07-06-2005, 10:33 AM
Go to that foodnetwork.com thing. They might be able to help out. Might take some searching though.

07-06-2005, 12:30 PM
thanks guys.

So far all I've made is bacon, eggs, ans some delicous fried taters and onions.:D

08-19-2005, 02:22 PM
When cooking anyting that has sugar in it, use foil to line the oven. It will save time with the crusty cleanup!

08-19-2005, 04:07 PM
thanks all. you guys just made me hungry as h*&^. to me nothing tastes better than a roast and vegies cooked in a dutch oven buried in a fire pit with smoldering embers. scrumdiddly umptious.

right now i'm gonna hit wendys. :rolleyes:

08-31-2005, 08:28 PM
they say one of the best ways to get a new cast iron going is to deep fry taters, i like cutting them into cubes and dusting in season salt. also of interest i think a good idea when camping is makes stuff that shares ingredients, for instance eggs and bacon, next night bacon in the beans. ok lousy example but anyhow you see what im saying. enjoy

11-14-2005, 04:14 PM
Recipes?? Naw partner, what you need is expersience!
Cookanything you want to eat to start with!! You say you have a Dutch oven, Outdoor or indoor? (Has it got legs and a high rim lid?) These are made to cook over coals and with coals added to the lid to use the piece for a baking oven. Suggest you check out International Dutch Oven Society for help with seasoning,cleaning, temperature charts,. and recipe tips. This is the largest repository of Dutch oven literate, cast iron competent cooks I know of. www.IDOS.com. You might visit my site as well for additional links, tips, and recipes.