View Full Version : 6mm Remington bullet recommendation
06-30-2005, 08:44 AM
Just picked up a nice used Ruger 77 MK II in 6mm...Wanted a Remington but the price was right. What is the bullet or bullets of choice in this caliber for whitetail from some of you more experienced hands out there, as this is my first experience with the 6mm. All input is appreciated.
06-30-2005, 09:05 AM
if you do a search you will find a couple threads on the 6mm & the .243 (similar ballistics)
Anyway.. in mine I use the 95g Nolser Partition. It has performed excellent on my larger northern whitetails and mule deer.
L. Cooper
06-30-2005, 09:18 AM
The 6mm Rem is on the light side for deer, so you should use bullets on the heavy side of those available.
The 6mm and .243's for which I load usually have 95 or 100 grain Partitions loaded for deer.
Cal Sibley
06-30-2005, 12:12 PM
Hornady 95gr. SST works very well for me with Rel-19 42.0grs. It's quite the hard hitting bullet and very accurate as well. Just one mans opinion. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
07-27-2005, 02:02 PM
My wife shoots a 6mm and has killed 6 deer with it. She has used either Nosler Partition or Barnes-X bullets. Both bullets work well on deer. I prefer the Barnes bullet as they always passed entirely through the deer leaving a great blood trail. None of the deer ran off more than 50 yards.
Cal Sibley
07-31-2005, 01:16 PM
I recently read that Nosler is going to use thicker jackets on their Ballistic Tips. I use Bal. Tips in .224 and .243 calibers but have been hesitant to use them in the larger caslibers because of the jackets. Maybe these thicker jackets will be just what's required to make them more suitable as big game bullets. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
Lone Star
08-01-2005, 07:48 PM
Actually, Nosler started putting heavier jackets on their Ballistic Tip bullets some years ago. The BTips are analogous to the Speer BoatTails, both designed for longer range hunting where velocity has dropped off and the BT shape helps retain a little more velocity. The Speer HotCores are analogous to the Nolser Partitions, holding together better, expanding a bit slower with a smaller diameter mushroom. If you may get shots up close, stay away from the Speer BTs and the Nosler BTips.
08-02-2005, 08:46 AM
I'd go with 85 grain Barnes TSX. Made of solid copper so they cant blow up. Controlled expansion resulting in close to 100% weight retention. Will leave a 1" to 1.5" wound channel, kills without making a mess of your deer. Usually passes through the deer, leaving a blood trail on both sides...if instant kill does not occur. Because they do have such great terminal performance you can shoot them lighter for caliber than conventional bullets but at greater velocity thereby postively affecting kenetic energy and reducing trajectory.
Try using Varget powder with them.
The 6mm is considered "light for deer" by some. Not when using Barnes. They level the playing field making it very adequate for the purpose.
08-23-2005, 02:01 PM
I've used 100 grain speer grand slams
with success.
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