View Full Version : Silverado Show

06-30-2005, 12:58 PM
July 16 and 17

I will be going and If I find a decent on I will be buying a cz-52 in 7.62 x 25 :D

07-19-2005, 10:04 AM
just an FYI for anyone that cares. The Silverdao show as pretty empty this time... people and vendors. It gets smaller evertime I go. I guess we can thank the peoples republik of Maryland for that.

Rocky Raab
07-19-2005, 02:05 PM
Sorry about the experience, my friend. I take it you didn't find a CZ to your liking?

07-19-2005, 03:30 PM
actually I did find one that was in good shape, with the orginal mil-surp holster and cleaning kit and extra mag and I did buy it. I now have to wait 10 days before I can pick it up, but.... I bought it.

However the show just keeps getting smaller and smaller. There was a time were that show had so many vendors you couldn't wal 2 feet without seeing something interesting, now there is just open floor space everywhere.

BTW I walked the whole show over, almost 3 times and only found 2, CZ-52s, the one I bought and another one that had been reblued very poorly and didn't have a holster or extra mag or anything and they wanted almost as much for that one as I paid for mine.

I'll just be glad to go to the guys shop and pick mine up. I hate buying something then waiting 10-15 days to go pick it up and use it. Just something wrong about buying something, it belongs to you, but the government says that you can't take ownership yet. :- (